
Shizophrenia, but voices in your head tell you positive affirmations.

  • 3
    I KNEW it was kiki. The only psychotic devranter mentally fucked beyond me!
  • 5
    Think that's called narcissism
  • 2
    That's called being normal.
  • 1
    @jestdotty Definitely, but if we are talking seriously there's no way having positive affirmations in mind is narcissistic. Unless they are also affirmations about how the rest suck at the same time or something...
  • 0
    that'd be pure imposter-syndrome-fuel
  • 0
    @jestdotty Oh wait, I forgot the part about schizophrenia. Yeah, a constant cheerleader would be something... out of some disorder.
    I want to say that by "voices in your head" I understood the internal monologue's response-like thoughts.
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