
Why is this happening ?

  • 3
    What exactly is this?
  • 6
    Error: context is undefined
  • 10
    This better not be net neutrality getting a wedgie.
  • 2
    A massive 1000mb!!!
  • 5
    Seems like you pay for ADSL and have to pay more to have access to some specific websites
  • 2
    Woo napster -_-
  • 1
    Dear Lord, all these outdated logos from the early 00s!!! 😮
  • 6
    @Qaldim @karma @Haxk20 @GarreauArthur @ilikeglue @kerambit @Japorized @Alice @Torbuntu @404response
    Net neutrality gone, I'm sorry I thought you guys knew, anyways here is the link

  • 1
    @sam9669 What I've read is that there are "plans" to lift net neutrality. Nothing about lifting it already.
  • 2
    @sam9669 Sorry, I hadn’t been following news from the States. So it’s another attack on net neutrality again? Some peeps just can’t fill up their pockets!
  • 2
    @Qaldim but it is positive it might happen, in the nearby months

    @Japorized I know right, these cable companies that will now control the flow of content and potentially censor it is what get on my nerves already.
  • 0
    @sam9669 @CorruptComputer It’s just painful to see us taking so many steps back after taking a few steps forward. :( This problem doesn’t just concern the US too. If it passes, a lot of governments in other countries will take US as an excuse and follow suit. It might just be money-sucking on the US side, but in certain countries, with a little twist, it’ll become an endorsement of Internet oppression.
  • 3
    What's surprising is the amount of people in devrant doesn't know about net neutrality.
  • 0
    cuz money. easy.
  • 0
    @tahnik Not all of us live in the USA. Give it a day or two and it will become news all over the Internet.
  • 1
    I see nothing wrong with this.

    Free market without governement regulation is awesome.
  • 5
    Who is in?
  • 0
    @DLMousey I think you're right. This is very scary for me as I have friends from the states and I'm unsure how much time I've got left with them as they won't be able to pay for extra stuff.
  • 0
    Any one else notice the social packs package is free?
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