
fuck batteries. I'm going wired everything.

  • 3
    u using Ethernet instead of WiFi?
  • 5
    @SidTheITGuy Wifi has nothing with power delivery to do ;)
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded ughh what a buzzkill. You're fun at parties aren't you
  • 4
    @ScriptCoded but with ethernet you can use PoE
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy Even more buzzkill are snarky comments ☺️
  • 4

    Well instead of Wired, a few Tesla coils and no worries about access to electricity
  • 5
    that's what i'm doing. wired everywhere.
    Mice, Keyboards etc, wired via USB; Headphones, Speakers wired analog, VR Headset, Monitors wired via HDMI and DP. Only thing that's wireless is my phone, and for that (and guest wifi) i have a dedicated AP, that is PoE wired.
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    My Fresh & Rebel headphones last ten hour or so. Never empty. For people not knowing this brand - it's Dutch & awesome! Quite cheap also.

    I never thought that cables are an issue in comfort but all my headphones are replaced because it's broken.

    So, I migrated to Bluetooth
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy I use ethernet for my desktop, and I even routed another cable through the flat so that I can use my WFH laptop with ethernet as well.
  • 2
    Depends largely on where you live.

    Might sound strange, but a *lot* of problems with wireless connections stem from.... *drumroll*

    Building materials.

    E.g. in Germany houses built around world war ii might have tinfoil and other interesting materials in the walls.

    Had a few interesting head scratch moments setting up WLAN for clients, cause no - doesn't matter what frequency, these rooms are frequency isolated.

    If there is no real wall, so sth like rigips / plasterboard, you have the opposite problem. Too much interference.

    (Looking at America, where most houses can be cut with a saw... still makes me scratch my head. Or the "non openable windows" - that freaked me out, too.
  • 1
    @retoor Action sell those for 15 euros! If you ever need a replacement, go to Action! Might not be the same as yours, but its also blauwetand.
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    10 hours for wireless headphones, unless we are talking about in-ear ones, is rather shit.

    My studio headphones are wireless and they last well over 50 hours.
  • 3
    @IntrusionCM it was never about WiFi. Batteries in my earphones died, so they became landfill overnight. I want to keep things around for longer, you know
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    @retoor i mean to be fair, headphones with replaceable cables are quite common, but not exactly cheap.

    I own two pairs of studio headphones, and both have replaceable cables. So far one of them is almost 5 years old, and the other one almost 2 years.

    However, i also have to mention, that the older pair at some point had a broken headband (design flaw) and after i sent it in atleast twice, and it kept breaking, i just 3D Printed my own headband, and since then had no problems.
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    @d00td00t exactly! Those I bought for fun but the sound quality is amazing. Funny enough, they don't list this cheap version on their website
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    @CoreFusionX I paid 15,- euro so it's rather awesome.

    @thebiochemic my 15,- headphones have a replaceable cable
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    So a case for r/spicypillows .

    Always sad.
  • 1
    @retoor it will be on sale next week for 12.95!
  • 1
    @d00td00t joke, but try! It's 15,-. Nothing to lose
  • 1
    @retoor it's real
  • 1
    @d00td00t and it's really decent. Doesn't want include the 3.5mm jack cable tough. Action sells that seperate for two euro. Don't buy it, it's crooked 😂
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    @retoor haha, you bought it! I still have a bunch of minijack cables. I'll buy wednesday, or tomorrow and get my money back on wednesday. (Yes, you can get money back when it's on sale within 7 days)

    And sorry @kiki, didnt mean to use your rant for my unrelated crap.
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    @d00td00t it's even comfortable after literally hours
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    @retoor what about the mic quality? I have a spare headphone from AliExpress and the mic is very bad, sound is ok. Used it one time and it's collecting dust atm on top of the box.

    Anyone interested in a green headset? It's free!
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