
i dont like rust anymore

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    @jestdotty its kinda ugly, its completely fine if you like, personally not my favorite
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    what is your favorite then?
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    So what is the question?
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    I'm still waiting for this phase to hit me with my Golang crush
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    @thebiochemic forth/c/uxntal
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    @gorenbk i'm not surprised that you don't like rust, wtf
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    @thebiochemic look like im completely fine if you like it, it’s just not fun for me anymore.
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    @gorenbk i know. but your preferences show pretty well, why you don't like it.
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    @thebiochemic why do you think i dont like it (im genuinely interested, not mad)?
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    @gorenbk i mean i can get behind liking C (i do like it too), you can write good and highly optimized software, but good luck maintaining it (and keeping it error free).

    the other two (as far as i'm aware) are stackbased languages, which are nowadays pure gimmick languages with no real use. Obviously that's just my opinion.

    For me that makes a lot of sense that you don't like rust, because looking at your favorites, they are pretty much the polar opposites of what rust wants to achieve.
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