Judging by the amount of bitcoin recovery ad spam here on devrant, there must be a huge amount of people somehow losing their bitcoins on a daily basis.
Thank god those altruistic scammers… *ahem* I mean hackers of course… are there to help.

  • 3
    They prefer to be called Wizards
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    I don't understand so many things about those things
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    I don't seem to remember any random adhoc passwords I set on some websites.

    I can easily imagine forgetting a passphrase as big as that unless I am being methodical and meticulous enough
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  • 1
    Cool thing is that, I laugh at those "recovery services".

    If you lose the private key to your wallet, no one can recover it...

    Unless they somehow have the full computational power of the whole earth, and can use it for millions of years...

    But yeah, no.
  • 0
    @jestdotty I think it works like this:

    The victims think they are smart and pretend like they lost their bitcoins. They contact those "recovery hackers" and give them their data and credentials to their wallet, so that they can "recover" some coins that were never lost. The scammers take the coins from their victims.
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    @jestdotty Maybe the victims pretend like only a fraction was stolen… I don‘t know.
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