
Dear fellow devranters

ostream has created his 3rd generation accounts, @godiebitch and @gofuckyourself

Can we please downvote him this time?
He will delete his accounts anyway in a few months but maybe we can reduce the spam that way.

And also try to convince him to get some help.

  • 3
    @nobodycares I make fun of JS. Stop making such a drama about that and get some help!
  • 1
    @nobodycares Look, I honestly don‘t try to make people feel bad, or to do gatekeeping or whatever you mean by dead arabs (wtf?).

    I make fun of JS because I believe that it‘s crap and harmful.

    And I also believe that the other people here, don‘t feel like I‘m insulting them. They probably think that I‘m a dumbass who doesn‘t recognize how good JS is. Which is ok.

    You are the only insane person here that feels butthurt about it.
    Stop spamming davrant and get some help, please!
  • 6
    For anyone interested, he just deleted his 3 accounts.
    The troll hypothesis is becoming more likely.
  • 0
    @Lensflare > Look, I honestly don‘t try to make people feel bad, or to do gatekeeping

    Then why do you do it?
  • 2

    > Relentlessly tell people they are not good at their job is harmful. Telling them over and over that they are not part of their professional community because they are not doing "real programming" is harmful.

    I never did that. You are hallucinating and interpreting in a very fucked up way. Get some help please.

    > Javascript is a formalized way to organize electrical signals, it doesn't hurt anybody. Go touch grass.

    And yet you are hurt by a joke about it.

    What I meant is that it hurts your development as a developer because you become blind to bad practices and get used to fixing bugs on the runtime instead of the objectively better way of fixing them at compile time.

    You feel so insecure about your whole career that you are devastated when a random guy on the internet makes jokes about JS. Get some help please.

    Or fuck off, troll.
  • 0
    @Lensflare You totally did that and you're still doing it. Not only that, but you leagued with your little friends not to individually feel guilty. When it's not you, its tosensei, or fast-nope, or some other people. But you guys are the exact same assholes.
  • 0

    > What I meant is that it hurts your development as a developer because you become blind to bad practices and get used to fixing bugs on the runtime instead of the objectively better way of fixing them at compile time.

    Yeah big abstract principles are an excuse for being hurtful. How german of you.
  • 0

    I bet you never had a real job a day of your life. You went to college and you found a dev job. Of course Im insecured bitch. I'm not a privileged cunt who had it easy. I wasn't insecure before i realize half of my coworkers here would insult me and call me dumb over stupid shit.
  • 2
    I love this. Ostream ❤️ and Lensflare ❤️. One for each of you.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy i just want peace srsly. I dont want to hate the guy but he constantly refusing to admit he's being hurtful so what tf can i do? it was the same thing with the other people and each time some other bitch feels legit to be bitchy to me because they saw me being bitchy to the last guy (who himself in turn stared being bitchy to me).
  • 2
    @antigatekeep "Relentlessly tell people they are not good at their job is harmful" - if those people indeed ARE bad at their job, then no, it's not harmful. it's the truth.

    if you can't handle truth then that's your problem. that's you being harmful to yourself by not accepting yourself.

    just like you are harming yourself by actively chosing to come back again and again and again.
  • -1
    @SidTheITGuy This isn‘t helpful.
    You either support the the delusions of a psycho or the spam of a troll.
  • 3
    I have to admit, whenever y’all gets into a fight with someone and then that other person deletes their account and all their responses disappear into the ether… discovering the thread later inevitably makes you look a bit unhinged, as though you’re jostling with an imaginary foe.
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    @AmyShackles indeed. I‘m more and more leaning to the conclusion that he is just a giant troll and doing it for the lolz.
  • 3
    @Lensflare i'm still in the camp "ostream is simply clinically insane"

    alas, i fear we might never know the truth...
  • 1
    @Lensflare Some people get their kicks by seeing how much they can get a rise out of other people.
  • 2
    @Lensflare do what I do with that shit guy and ping pong boii - Ignore.
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    @SidTheITGuy I try but it‘s hard. If he is a troll, he‘s doing a very good job.
  • 1
    Well it's a dead platform, I don't think anybody cares anymore..
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    @tosensei-smummy please, my dear, at least be a TINY bit creative when chosing account names intended to mock someone.

    you suck even at this.

    also: your sanity can't be attacked. it doesn't exist.
  • 2
    @tosensei-smummy " im just a normal guy that you fuckheads kept abusing until im depressed"

    you're not in any meaning of the world "normal". and it seems you don't have an understanding of what "depressed" means. hint: "i'm sad because people on the internet aren't nice to me after i behaved like a manic monkey" is NOT "depressed".
  • 1
    @Lensflare ok I’ll downvote. On one condition: no badmouthing JS ever again
  • 2
    @black-kite sorry, but JS simply _is_ bad.
  • 0
    I'm not really uptodate on the drama but didnt osstream had a lot of ++. Why the sudden(?) dislike?
  • 1
    @tosensei-smummy at least i can keep my shit together, instead of you flinging it around everywhere.

    side note: as someone who claimed to have studied psychology, you should be aware that your condition is much closer to a manical fit than depression. take that as free advise for the next time you wanna complain about what "We Bad People" did to you.
  • 2
    @tosensei-smummy "I didnt eat and i puked at the idea people could be so fucking mean. Then i hurt mysefl." - if you need any more proof that you _are_ clinically insane and _need_ professional help - there you have it. regardless of whether this is true or just your imagination.
  • 3
    @wojtek322 basically, ostream deleted his account because people were mean to javascript, then created a new one to whine about people being mean to javascript. and in the process he transformed to a shit-flinging monkey with murder fantasies.

    then the process of "deleting - recreating - mutating some more" repeated a few times.
  • 1
    @black-kite no deal, pal. Sorry ^^
  • 0
    @tosensei yup, this can only be explained by severe psychological issues or trolling.
  • 0
    @Lensflare well if it's a troll, it's kind of a bad one?

    i mean, the goal of a troll usually is to make people angry, isn't it? i for one am not the least bit angry at him. it's more a combination of amusement and pity.
  • 0
    @tosensei if you had pity would have stopped telling me awful shit months ago. You dont know what pity is.
  • 0
    @tosensei I think a troll doesn‘t necessarily try to get people angry.
    A troll tries to draw people into a conversation or a fight about a topic for his own entertainment. That’s how I think about it. Maybe ostream is amused about the fact that we haven‘t figured out that a person just can not be that much of a pathetic idiot. Essentially he is trying to make us look like idiots not realizing that he is trolling. And he enjoys that.

    Look at all the new accounts and deletions. Why if not for trolling?

    Maybe we should ignore and downvote.

    This isn’t amusing for me.
  • 0
    @tosensei you being amused at people's pain is not normal. Actually, by your own definition, you ARE the troll. You are poking people again and again with ALWAYS the same shit. And then you bully them when they react. That is what you've done to me, and in a few months it's gonna be the same story with somebody else.

    I never saw you writing something that wasn't awful and designed to harm and hurt feelings.
  • 1
    @I-HATE-YOU can you not read the words "more a combination of"?

    meaning that it's just an approximation to pity, not pity itself. you're undeserving of that.

    what you DO deserve is professional help. which i can't help you get. you have to call the psych ward yourself. all i can do is encourage you to do so.
  • 0

  • 2
    @Lensflare "that a person just can not be that much of a pathetic idiot" - oh, but people can.

    and as for the new accounts: i'd guess a hint of bipolar disorder or something along the line. wild moodswings between retreating and lashing out.
  • 2
    @I-HATE-YOU if some random guy on the internet alone could actually "make you like that", then you must've been the epitome of weak-willed and pathetic in the first place.
  • 1
    @tosensei see how you league against me with your little friend? that's bullying.

    I hate you. Ill never forget what you people have done to me.

    Die. You are an awful cunt. I wish you to get cancer and slowly puke your lungs out.
  • 3
    @I-HATE-YOU still, i'm not the one shouting all the time and dishing out death threats.

    that's still not something any remotely sane person would _ever_ do. there _must_ be a much, much deeper issue that was there long before.
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    @tosensei I once thought that too, but now I doubt that it‘s possible.
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    @Lensflare maybe drug abuse? i heard that meth does some terrible things to your synapses.
  • 1
    @tosensei that's an interesting character development
  • 1
    @wojtek322 a year ago, more or less, it all started with a few user calling me "the left useful idiots" and "peasant web dev", and a group of people repeatedly doing gatekeeping around who is and isn't real devs. Those people have harassed me ever since.
  • 1
    @antiabusegang not true, troll. We made fun of you about how you feel insulted by jokes about JS and web dev, like a feces throwing monkey. It was your own doing to conclude that you are shit at your job. And despite pointing that out to you over and over again, you still repeat the same crap again and again and again.

    @wojtek322 Don‘t fall for his trolling like I did.
  • 1
    @antibitchturd "Said the dude who made a joke about javascript for the tenth time this month." - it still keeps a good topic to make jokes about.
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    @antibitchturd just that your hate means nothing to me. so why keep wasting your time?
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    @tosensei because id rather die than submitting to your harassment bitch.
  • 0
    @Lensflare im not trolling idiot. You are hurtful people who damaged me and I hate you people. I'll never forget that.
  • 1
    @hurtful-bitch "i'm not trolling" - something a troll would say.

    also: why do you keep coming back over and over again, each time wearing a new metaphoric "kick me, please, kick me, no, really, i love it when you kick me, i'm not joking"-tshirt?

    why do you literally keep touching the hot stove, then complaining it is hot?

    let your anger go. come on. it's not good for you. stop holding on to that buring piece of coal, just to throw it at someone later - especially since you keep missing.

    the only one you're hurting is yourself.
  • 0
    @tosensei more victim blaming. Fuck you and your abuse. In that situation, you're not the hot-stove, just a fire. And you need to be extinguished. Its worth it to get burned now so you idiots doesn't spread.
  • 0
    @tosensei you admitted yourself to abusing a person that's psychologically ill lmao. You're a sick fuck
  • 1
    @hurtful-bitch and once again, a death threat - if quite a poetic one, thanks for spicing it up a little.

    and even in that situation, i'd argue that the idiot is still you, since even in your own metaphor, you keep putting your hand into the fire while - very obviously - having no effect whatsoever.
  • 0
  • 1
    @hurtful-bitch let’s explore this thought of yours and assume that we are bullies, like you said.
    You say that it’s worth coming back and being bullied so that we finally disappear and can’t bully anyone else? What? Is this your logic?
    Explain how this does make any sense, troll.
  • 0
    @Lensflare honestly?

    at this point i just want to abuse you as a revenge for all the bad shit you called me and all the crooked jokes designed to destroy my self-esteem. Id be ready to apologize and stop, but you wont, sooo won't happen.

    but also i use throw-away because there's an antispam
  • -1
    @jojojojo sounds like a solid plan, good luck with that, troll
  • 1
    @jojojojo "at this point i just want to abuse you as a revenge" - so there we have it.

    your complete revocation of any claim you might have had to the moral high ground.

    and another argument why you are the stupid one, cause you do not have the conversationalist skills required to actually "harm" us. you just keep punching against a wall.

    "jokes designed to destroy my self-esteem" - nope. they're 100% designed to amuse. nothing else.

    also: if the system flags your posts as spam, don't you think that might have something to do with your posts being literal garbage? the literary equivalent of freshly-flung monkey poop?
  • 0
    @tosensei reacting to abuse is a perfectly natural reaction, you fucking scum.

    But yeah unlike you people I'm not a psychopath. Words are hurtful to me. It's called having a functional emotional system. You should try it.

    When was the last time you felt any emotion that didn't include feeling of superiority?
  • 0
    why you all care so much about shitposting, it goes beyond me
  • 0

    > and another argument why you are the stupid one, cause you do not have the conversationalist skills required to actually "harm" us

    Yeah I should try your psychopaths techniques
  • 0
    @IHateForALiving have you ever seen a monkey go literal apeshit and throw feces? it's mildly amusing.
  • 0
    @IHateForALiving because its not shitposting. Germans don't have the neural networks for irony. Only spite.
  • 1
    @jojojojo "Yeah I should try your psychopaths techniques" - does that mean less life threats from your side, or more?
  • 0
    @tosensei it's amusing for psychopaths because they feel the cruel pleasure at seeing a being locked and powerless.
  • 2
    @jojojojo "Germans don't have the neural networks for irony" - aaaah, and again the racism.

    haven't accused me of being racist for a while now, don't you want to give it a go?
  • 0
    @jojojojo "being locked and powerless." - even if your imagined view of the story were true - you're still not powerless. you _have_ the power to just log off. nobody chained you up anywhere. nobody is forcing you to do anything.

    it's all. your. decision.
  • 0
    @tosensei less. I guess if i was a good psycho I wouldn't warn you going apshit crazy, I would try go get intel on you instead.

    I would be like you. Cold and rational.
  • 0
    @tosensei kinda like that coworker you don't like had the freedom to leave, right? Which he did after throwing a tantrum at all your innocents jokes, right?

    Textbook harasser
  • 0
    @jojojojo and you'd intentionally add "homicidal" to your own list of symptoms, as it seems.

    and "publicly threat of physical harm" to your list of infractions, if it wasn't there already.
  • 0
    @jojojojo " kinda like a coworker" - sooo you're being paid here and don't havy another source of income? or what other part of the comparison did you mess up?
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    @tosensei i dont really care about the law.

    and honestly, i really just feel powerless at stopping your abuse so I write whatever is necessary to convey that.

    As you said, I'm the monkey in the cage of your insults and you're outside looking at me. Deaththreats are my feces.
  • 0
    @tosensei no retard, fleeing is not a solution to bullies. You stand up to bullies. You talk them back and double down until they admit their ways are shitty.
  • 2
    @jojojojo soo just for clarification: do you only think the crime of "threatening someones life" is okay, or is "actually killing someone" no hurdle for you, too? metaphorically speaking: are you a chihuahua that only barks, or one that tries to bite, as well?

    and doesn't your viewpoint also imply that "being mean to someone" is totally fine, thus completely invalidating your moral standpoint of "protecting your imagined privilege of other people not being mean to you"?
  • 0
    @jojojojo well, if you feel powerless to just "shut up and ignore me", since all i could ever do to you is "say mean things" (and don't forget the most important slogan for standing up to bullies, "sticks and stones can break my bones..."), doesn't that logically also imply that you'd be way too powerless to actually stand up to the bully you're imagining?

    and wouldn't that also _validate_ all who are speaking against you, since you are the actual bully churning out death threats?
  • 0
    @IHateForALiving I’m not amused. I feel pity or disgust, depending on whether ostream actually is a psycho or a troll. Either way, also annoyed.
  • 4
    > asks "why you all care so much"

    > come back 20 minutes later

    > 16 new answers
  • 1
    @IHateForALiving yeah, you should have known better 😄
    If you see ostream (or one of his clones), you know the rant is doomed to be spammed to death 😄
  • 0
    @jojojojo did you quit your job to be a full time spammer on devrant or how do you do it?
  • 0
    @Lensflare well I'm sorry you're feeling that way. For what it worth I've been hurt and enraged and powerless, in no way amused.

    Fuck this is supposed to be a fun platform :(
  • 0
    @Lensflare i wake up earlier to do the job i didnt do.
  • 0

    > Fuck this is supposed to be a fun platform :(

    yeah, we should probably stop bitching about dumb jokes
  • 0

    > i wake up earlier to do the job i didnt do.

    Wow, that’s dedication! I wish you would be as dedicated to fix your mental issues.
  • 0
    @Lensflare but come on, one dumb joke is ok, but repetition makes it painful. I don't really give a shit about js that much. Its just past misunderstanding that makes it very triggering for me.
  • 0
    @Lensflare yeah that's not helping.
  • 0
    @jojojojojo js jokes never get old. You are the living proof.
  • 0
    @Lensflare you really need to have the last insult huh? I thought you were not amused. How is it funny?
  • 0
    @whattheshit I admit that last bit was amusing. Ok I stop it now.
  • 1
    @Lensflare it’s ok. I do want to downvote but I spent all my downvoting tokens on @AvatarOfKaine
  • 1
    OS Stream streams operating systems.
  • 1
    Wow, people actually take random anonymous online comments very seriously.
    Did you know you can turn a potato into a lemur?
    I also hate Santa.
  • 1
    @superdupernova and too scared to tag me. lmao what a cunt.
  • 0
    @Lensflare come on im not that bad
  • 0
    @mostr4am are you the idiot troll ostream again?
  • 0
    @Lensflare hum yea you didn't get that? it's literally the same nickname with a "m" at the beginning.

    You see a mass murderer always come back to the place of his crime.
  • 0
    @mostr4am of course I know that you are ostream. But for a while it looked like you left that full retard trolling shit behind you.
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