
a friend of mine sent me some hobby drama and it reminded me of this innate fear I have that's difficult to explain and nor do I really know where it's from or how to describe it

honestly, fuck, I don't know how to describe it

because the issue is every time you do something good for the world, the world ends up vilifying you for it

I saw this when I was growing up and making mods for games, I'm seeing it now in this hobby drama to such a striking degree

this person outdid the community, became famed and god-like a figure due to their personal drive being different, and now... even the people describing the drama are editorializing them into a hated villain of the arc. I literally can't find their original posts, people just say rumoured things about them but won't link them which is super suspicious. even if they do link to a post of theirs the account is banned so I can't read the posts, the website link is 404, etc

the community quotes their backtalk to the person instead of what the person actually said and celebrates it and it's making my stomach churn

this feels like a hit job
then they make fun of this person for being "paranoid everyone is against them" um yeah you literally shit talk them, probably are making things up about them, vilifying them at literally every opportunity, trying to use cheap gotchas to feel superior... I'm starting to think this person is correct, and I want to read what they wrote instead (because of the few quotes they had actual insight into the hobby-sphere) but it seems like you've somehow scrubbed it off the internet, wtf?

I like building things but my fear is exactly this. I've done it in the past when I was little and in my experience if you build something people love, somehow it is a gateway to them mistreating you because they feel entitled to you. so why would you ever contribute to humanity if this is what happens? ever since I was a kid I wanted to keep these things to myself. fame is terrifying. does it even make sense? I can't even put it into words

it would be nice if you could do things and make humanity better but somehow by doing things you literally bring out the worst in them. and yeah, you can tank it and endure it, but it makes you ask why are you doing it if it's so evil onto them? why does this happen? it also frankly sucks, like who wants all this drama? you give people stuff and they spit in your face? that's just depressing. how are you to sleep at night, wrestling with that sort of community integration, doubting if that's your place in life, your purpose? why even? does it even make the world better, or are you making it worse by a chemical reaction of your existence combining with the masses generating vitriol fluids in the collective consciousness? it's just somehow so fucked up

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    SJWs will do this and target individuals and companies that don't tow the woke line. It is part of the cancel culture which is designed to silence free speech. It is not an accident.

    I foresee a world where people split the web based upon ideology. Right now the woke ideology has support from a lot of big tech companies that dictate and control the web as we use it today. This is why rampant censorship is on most platforms. It also why it favors wokeness.

    Eventually people will have had enough and the backlash will be significant. I see people organizing in small groups and informing the public about this. The biggest tool to fight this crap is vote with your dollar. I try and support products and individuals that have been unfairly targeted. I always ask myself, "What is the other side of this story?" It is usually someone who didn't agree with some woke talking point.
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    @Demolishun ok so

    I originally grew up in the piracy community

    this hobby drama is from there

    so this isn't even mainstream in the least... it's disturbing to me. it's like someone went to my hometown and made it shit like everywhere else. this isn't even mainstream so why are they acting mainstream! that's terrifying!

    and there was a woke topic involved eventually but I don't think that is what spurred the hatred of this person. seems the community hated them all on its own over time, and then any innocuous thing this person says they're blowing up to be evil

    there is rumour that they said transphobic things, and this is mentioned many times, but I can't actually find a quote. reminds me of how I was on... goddamned what's it called, an indie reddit alternative and they shat on musk for being a antisemite, but people didn't want to actually quote what he said. someone posted it (it wasn't), we had a discussion, then later it was stealth deleted by a mod. wtf?

    messed up.
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    @jestdotty it could have been anything they had an opinion on. Then people will make up all sorts of shit.
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    @jestdotty perhaps this is why a few artist around the world have opted to do their contribution to humankind in an anonymous manner. Think Banksy for example, that way people cannot attack you personally and allows you to shrug it off or simply don't get involved.

    I believe that, even despite the bad nature of some bad loudmouth people, it still is good for the majority of the silent people. You should not be hindered by a few negative Nancy's to do what you love and share it.

    And, there is often a simple ignore/ban button...
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    lol it gets much worse than ignore / ban capable
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    It's called democracy and people hate others for being better at their (core) business upto the point of vilifying anyone until this becomes their core business.
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