
Let us not forget that they've killed innocent Americans on this day. NSA staff has been told to leave work early.

If you've only seen it on TV or media, can you really believe it? Same thing goes for COVID. Have you really seen the virus under telescope with your own eyes?

Under this false pretext, 9/11, you and I are treated as terrorists. We've been stripped off our human rights and privacy. But perhaps, is it for the greater good?

Does greater good even exist?

I hope so. It's hard to make any sense out of this carefully planned chaos.

Never lose your questioning nature. Otherwise, you're indifferent from a sheep.

  • 9
    Source: trust me, I saw it on the internet.
  • 9
    You forgot a few things:

    The earth is flat.
    The moon landing was fake.
    The climate change is a hoax.
  • 7
    "Never lose your questioning nature" - take your own advise and question _this_

    instead of blindly trusting what some random dude on the internet with a tinfoil hat wrote.
  • 4
    @Lensflare the moon landing was fake. Who recorded it ffs?..

    Also, climate change is a stupid rebrand of global warming because that didn't happen all the time. Yeah, climate changes, how to deny that
  • 0
    Mad as a spoon.
  • 0


    So you're saying buildings free fall because of fire?

    Alright then. I hope you got fully vaccinated. 😷




  • -1
    @tosensei Holy fuck you're dumb as a cunt ever gets.

    I'm not posting this because I found a jpg Image of a text some random person wrote. It's the opposite, I'm posting a picture because I believe so.

    Fucking dumb cunt with women's hair. Go kill yourself for the 3rd time. 2 mIlLiOn USeRs
  • 4
    @kanyewest sooo your limited world view is indeed "if someone doesn't 100% unquestioningly support the one extreme (that i unquestioningly support), then that someone MUST 100% unquestioningly support the other extreme and there is absolutely no room inbetween"?

    thanks for providing proof after proof that you're as dumb as our species can get.
  • 3
    @kanyewest also: you still haven't provided your definition of what a "Big Project" is, so stfu yourself. (and you're just envious because you're bald already, loser)
  • 3
    As German, this isn't really an important day in my book but nonetheless, wrong date buddy.

    This was the 11 september, not 12th of march. Hence the name 9/11.
  • 2
    @retoor you can test if we went to the moon on earth. Retroreflectors. Also, third parties (other nations) have taken pictures of landing sites using lunar probes/satellites. The who took the photos crap is people misrepresenting photos. There are simple explanations for every photo they took. Watch the Nvidia dissection of one of the photos:


    It was about a year after 9/11 when I realized the US government did it. There are 6 separate documentaries in our library that describe how the official story is false. Tens of thousands of architects and building professionals came out and said the government lied. But what do you do when every joe and jane believes MSM? The US government doesn't represent its people. Hasn't for some time. They are a criminal organization in large part.

    Tell me, what do you do when you realize the government and country you live in is the biggest terrorist group on the planet?
  • 4
    You're all sheep. Buildings aren't real. We live in the matrix and everything is fake, including all of you >:c
  • 2
    Evolution, @Hazarth. Evolution! Like the dinosaur. Look out that window. You’ve had your time. The future is our world, @Hazarth. The future is our time.
  • 1
    @kanyewest how long it took to finally get something remotely resembling an answer out of you.

    still. you haven't provided a threshold. how many loc/modules/whatever your arbitrary metric of choice is do you need for a project to be "big", compared to just "medium"?

    is "ten" a big amount of code lines for you? or is that a number too big for you to comprehend?

    also: no, why would i cut my hair, which looks better than you could ever hope for, even in a wig? i'm not some yam-scratching peasant or factory worker who needs 90% of their brain capacity to make sure they don't get caught in something spinning.

    ...is that why you're bald? because you were too dumb to put on a hairnet and got yourself scalped? at least that would explain why you are so obsessively triggered by a random avatar decoration. post traumatic envy.
  • 2
    @tosensei I saw a dude lose part of his beard to a drill on a video the other day. Just pulled a huge swath right off. Well I saw the after. I bet it hurt. He is probably lucky it just pulled it off.
  • 2
    @nitwhiz That's what they want you to think. The Mossad used crisis actors to go around telling everyone it was 11 September when it was actually 12 March. We all lost nearly 6 months of our lives thanks to their bullshit.
  • 2
    @nitwhiz I like the fact that you pointed this out
  • 2
    @donkulator they stole 6 months from us? those bastards
  • 1
    @donkulator but.. alexanderr isn't a crisis actor.

    he's just... a crisis.
  • 3
    @Lensflare The Moon landing was fake and enacted, but Stanley Kubrick demanded to shoot on location.

  • 0
    @kamen lol, this is awesome
  • 1
    @kamen everybody knows the moon landing was staged... ON VENUS!
  • 2
    @tosensei That's hot.
  • 2
    @kanyewest 9/11 is a conspiracy wet dream, but I watched a plane fly into the building regardless, sure it looked like it was lined with explosives the way the buildings fell, but their ain't no proof either way.

    And yes, I got my 5G serum, it works well, never had such great reception before. I'd probably be dead without it, covid dropped me like a bitch and fucked me up.
  • -1

    Number of users and size of the project and not interdependent.

    Flappy Bird, a small game made using Unity probably builds in seconds. But it had massive playerbase until it was removed. Vice verse, a 3-4 year project could have small userbase. In the context of slow build time and big project, you said 2 miLlIoN uSErs.

    Fucking Donkey.

    Let me guess. You're a mediocre cunt. No name school, and currently working at a company probably no one heard of. So, 2 million users must feel a lot for you. Enjoy that EU dev life you fucking stupid EU cunt.

    Do you want me to give you a massive bonus so you can afford to go to a barber? Cunt?

    Cut that shit out. Tranny.
  • 0
    @kanyewest keep barking, you rabid dog, instead of simply providing an actual answer to an actually very simple question.

    also: who TF needs a barber? i mean - you, for sure, i very much doubt that you are capable of shaving yourself without losing at least half a liter of blood, but among _real_ people? naah.

    and try at least to be a tiny bit more creative than an ant in your insults. you sound like a broken record.
  • -1
    @tosensei The fact that your brain wrongly answers 2 mIlLioN uSeRs to a simple question is mindboggling. Go neck yourself.
  • 0
    @kanyewest sorry, i'm too stupid to neck myself without guidance.

    can you show a video of how it's done, starring yourself?

    after all, you great "Übermensch" can't possibly fail at something like that.

    leave the internet - this place is not for you.
  • 0
    @tosensei Unfortunately I suspect this sort of thing is largely what the internet is for.
  • 0
    @donkulator yup, with the internet, it’s easier than ever to find and interact with groups of people who have the same delusions and then be trapped in self confirming echo chambers.

    "I can’t be wrong because look how many people agree with me!"
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