
Theo, the man who everyone looks up to as a dev, especially a nextjs dev, the man who created t3 stack--says he doesnt write unit tests and thinks unit testing is a waste of time

Have devs fallen into the new low?

  • 1
    He looks like a Sacha Baron Cohen character.
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    A nextjs dev everyone looks up to. Sure buddy.

    @aviophile this happened
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    That's sad since a framework is very well unit testable. If nextjs doesn't have tests - ditch it. Amateur stuff
  • 3
    The best thing about unit tests is the issues you discover while writing them. That's their biggest value IMHO
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    @retoor it's like forcing to use every last bit of code in your tramework, to make sure it's not broken, and stays that way.

    I'd say unit testing is definitely a useful thing to do.
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    @thebiochemic technical stuff is very good to unit test. Validation and stuff are actually hard
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    who the fuck is Theo? if he does jubascript, he's not the one to look up to
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    People at my work place write useless angular integration tests that block development. Tests don't test anything useful. Jasmine is awful and it's impossible to debug failing tests. If you work with these type of people who blindly chase code coverage, leave everything to e2e tests might be better
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    @h3rp1d3v cypress happy flow ftw for frontend
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    was Theo the guy who complained that he has to duplicate code for CORS because both the preflight handler and the middleware have to attach headers?

    Has he discovered functions yet?
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    it bugs me that he's compared to prime because they're irritating for unrelated reasons; Theo has somewhat less informed opinions than the average webdev and exaggerates them for clickbait, whereas prime has measured and sensible opinions and screams them into the microphone at the top of his lungs.
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    either way, these people upload far too often to maintain any kind of quality. I kinda feel like a particularly inspired technical writer can produce one high quality article a week on average, most of them fairly short. If someone publishes significantly more often than that, they're sacrificing quality for quantity.
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    Theo is a nextjs/react/vercel shill with cringe thumbnails and changes his opinion every 2 weeks
    Wouldn't take any advice from him
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    @devRancid I wouldn't take advise from anyone who does react
  • 3
    "Theo, the man who everyone looks up to as a dev" .... who?
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    I always got the impression Theo was a bit green.
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    @retoor "Have devs fallen into the new low?"

    Lol, since web devs or JS devs are not real devs, they can't fall into new low. You can't go lower than being web developer.
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