
my workplace had the idea to create a shared calendar with the birthdays of all colleagues.

Now around 10 months later, this calendar is filled with the birthdays of ex-colleagues... Who thought that was a good idea lol

  • 2
    yeah we have something like that aswell. It's the stupidest idea.
  • 11
    Smells like a GDPR violation.
  • 7
    Facebook is full of dead people's content
  • 6
    I know a company that does employee cups with name on it. Nobody takes the cup home after resigning. Same idea. Very funny
  • 1
    @lorentz das wird 2026 alles gelöscht vorallem in EU gegen DSGVO, die "soziallen" Netze sind doch alle massenverklagt worden.
  • 0
    @max19931 Ah! Noch einer! Hahahaha.
  • 0
    Mach leiser ihr dooven deutscher
  • 0
    @Ranchonyx kein Alkohol bei der Arbeit.
  • -1
    Bitte mich in den Arsch ficken
  • 1
    @lopu dude if you're gonna try to insult people in their native tongue at least get it from someone who knows the language... also, you're apparently the only one lame enough to not speak multiple languages, so kinda the dumbass here.

    I'm pretty sure my dog understands more german than you, and that's just from when im not thinking so i yelled at him in german.
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