Worked all my life in C++/Java and for the first time in Android, finished the android app (ffs that's one messy framework)... now they give me an old macbook and send me into swift/xcode, I have been trying to connect two text fields and a button for 90 minutes, getting furious knowing I have to finish this app all over again for ios, please tell me how fucked am I? Is it better or worse than Android when it comes to a learning curve? I've googled this and usually it's fanboys fanboying, has anyone done both and has any advice?

P.S. I'm young and still tend to learn fast, but man this is really giving me shit, especially the IDE and interface builder which I despise as a concept, rather just write code instead of dragging and dropping...

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    I think the learning curve of the IDE is quite steep but the nice thing is that once you do start to understand it and storyboards your life gets quite a bit easier. Also you only have to account for like 4 different phone screens sizes instead of the infinite number of android screen sizes. Also be grateful you’re using Swift. Fuck Obj-C.
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    @AlmostPerfekt thanks for the comment, I've been playing with it today, and ye xcode is a bit unconventional. I give them props for the storyboard though, the android Activity/Fragment/CustomView can be a shitfest at times
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    IBOutlet is your friend.
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