
Fuck away from me And Get FUCKED.

FEels so fucking good fucking off other companies who try to contact me first and give me an interview JUST GO FUCKING FIRSR YOUR DADS ASSHOLE TILL HE SHITS IN UR MOUTH FROM THE SUPER MASSIVE GIANT SHITHOLE FUCK YOU FUCK OFFF

  • 3
    An unexpected polite response from you.

    Would be funny if you actually replied with the contents of your rant.
  • 0
    @NeatNerdPrime every time they test my patience and i am on the verge of doing it but instead of letting the rage out onto them i first answer them a very short fuck off message and then take a huge dump on u guys in here
  • 0
    As if the company wouldn't survive without your tiny whiny ass.

    I knew you were poor, but damn, you can't even keep your phone charged? lol lmao.

    There's no shortage of employees in the IT sector, maybe they aren't even hiring in India, otherwise they would've found their candidate by now.
  • 1
    @jestdotty not a single fucking dollar was mentioned and therefore not a single fuck was given by me
  • 1
    So it really is true, you were not eager to join their dynamic team.
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