
Possibily the weirdest coincidence I've experienced... I was just searching for, specifically and explicitly, the ebook version of O'Reilly pocket references for a babydev since physical copies, if/when available, are expensive and slow delivery. While googling the PHP one, somehow, 1984 (orwell) in russian was oddly high in the search results.

1984 is my favourite book and I've been meaning to take time to brush up on my russian. Normally I'd blame the result on things like tracking data, but this was via a clean, isolated, never logged into anything, system. The only factors that couldve been skewing results are my explicit locale settings, primary- german/germany, secondary- english/US, additional languages- dutch, russian, arabic, spanish. No other cookies or previous search history and using a static IPv4 that has been allocated, but until a few hours ago, totally unused for ~6mo (part of my /28 block).

It's so serendipitous that I keep mulling over everything trying to figure out wtf I missed... seriously, how the hell does "O'Reilly pocket reference php ebook" return a russian paperback of 1984???

I'm totally gonna find and buy one now too (the actual result is costly, plus would ship from germany so more costly).

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    I mean, O'reilly does kinda sound similar to Orwell so maybe that's why??
    And perhaps 1984 is being popular lately(probably more than programming books) so together with the sorta similarity to "O'reilly" maybe it was just enough to show it in the results.
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    @SoldierOfCode itd be a big stretch even without adding the fact that was only 1 result, with specifically a copy in russian, all the description info in russian (as opposed to a book that's listed then defines that it's a russian copy).

    That said, i appreciate your odd view for my generally shit frame of reference of neurotypicals.
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    @awesomeest The last sentence was a bunch of words I'm too dumb to understand, but if (whatever it meant) was appreciated I'm always happy to be of use/help ^_^
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    @SoldierOfCode Just expressing that i have a pretty shitty frame of reference when it comes to anything with 'normal' people... exponentially so with tech and/or dev. As such, i appreciate the viewpoint/additional reference data of non-me thought processes.
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    I can live with this occasional spam.
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