  • 1
    Yeah, I wouldn't want to support someone like that either...
  • 2
    I think it's funny

    also that Twitter post sounds like he's having an aneurysm or am I having an aneurysm?

    when people are mad like that it means they're mad at other shit and its warped their personality over time -- they just aren't allowed to vent it. this is what happens when you force everyone to be professional. the rage has to go somewhere. I think it's cute when people feel they can shit talk to you though. that literally means they're not gonna kill you and burn your house down out of rage. because they can say what they feel. I'd be scared being the boss who dictates people can't vent their emotions on the other hand. speaking and acting are both forms of venting, and if you can't speak then someone's gonna act at some point

    God I miss the old internet. apparently my old pvp private server is still up and they have a QQ thread on there, a relic of a bygone era. remember when you could do that?!

    everyone's lost their humanity now and it's sad
  • 3
    I love how people go out of their way to prove they’re anal cancers and think anyone would be happy to work with them outside other anal cancers so they eventually form an official anal cancer alliance
  • 1
    Reading that I would hesitate to show him any code bc he’d just flip out over small shit and threaten my life over a for loop
  • 0
    I feel called out
  • 1
    Based email
  • 0
    His email is diegojewstein….does he actually use this long term or is it some ad hoc account he created out of being pissed. Bc you’d expect someone over time to realize they did something wrong and feel bad about that name and change it.
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