
God damn it! And all that time I thought it's the dust causing my runny nose and sneezes and that it's exhaustion that causes G feel like 19.8 rather than 9.8.

Turns out, what happens in Grece does not necessarily stay in Grece.

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    Fuck. Hopefully it will be a mild case.
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    @magicMirror last time the post-covid brain fog lasted for like a year. I never got the same sharpness to this day, at least it now was manageable.
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    and instead I'm stuck like that from the vaccine and my left side burns or is just plain numb

    COVID did fucking nothing on the other hand and I caught it in the first wave and was vitamin d deficient at the time
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    @netikras it sucks, get well soon. Without foggyness.
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    Wtf is covid?!
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    @netikras It’s been four years now for me and I’m just starting to have energy for mild yardwork. Recovering from exhaustion is a little faster, too. (Such as showering, emptying the dishwasher, or using a weed eater for fifteen min.) I’m definitely not as sharp, though. I worry that might never return.

    I also lost 95% of my sense of smell since my last covid reinfection about six weeks ago. ._. It has come back for a day here and there, so that gives me hope it isn’t permanent. But the sharpness… well. Maybe I can turn to farming, or burger flipping. I hear they make good money now.
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    @jestdotty @root

    My wife's friend had an annoying side effect with her eyes. She went to doctors, used all sorts of medicine -- nothing really helped, only somewhat alleviated the situation.

    After she got reinfected, all the side effects magically disappeared and haven't come back since.

    I'm holding my fingers crossed that this is the ctrl+z covid strain!

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    @netikras That’s awesome! I’m happy for her. Best of luck to you, too!
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    tfw you gotta go on a search for COVID

    thing is I caught COVID twice after getting 2 vaccines

    fucks sake no clue what's wrong with me then

    COVID itself was fine though and I didn't get it again til that vaccine over a year later because totalitarian government over here... fucking people. next time I'd have better luck taking my chances at gun point or spending months in a prison somewhere

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