
Windows tells me to „contact the network administrator“.
I yell at the machine: „I AM THE ADMINISTRATOR!!!1!“

Why is Microsoft doing this? Instead of telling me what exactly went wrong, the come up with messages like
“Something happened”
“This is not possible”
“Error 0x2342133723”
“Do you want to ask a Friend?”

I really hope the authors of those error messages will burn in hell for that!

  • 4
    @J-2FA I switched to linux more than ten years ago...
    But my Mom won’t, so...

    Error messages in linux are also not really helpful!
    But at least they tell you where things got wrong, so you always have some clue where the problem might be, or what to type into google..
  • 7
    And this is where the event viewer comes in handy 🤦‍♂️
  • 13
    Exactly. If a user cant check the fucking logs then they should not be the administrator of the machine.
  • 0
    @g-m-f @Linux where can I find the system log on some windows machine?
  • 6
    Administration tools.... You are the administrator remember?
  • 2
    @Linux /var/log/messages feels more intuitive 😃
  • 0
    Not really, depending on what kind of logs you need. The syslog is not always best
  • 1
    @dontbeevil sorry, I was never good at bandwagons.
    Not looking at sys logs regardless of the OS is still a problem 😒
  • 1
    Dude. The same fucking thing happens on all OSes. Normal users aren't supposed to see it, admins can check the logs (and eventvwr)...
  • 3
    @C0D4 people are more interested in blaming Microsoft than checking the logs
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