
soooo I'm browsing Netflix, searching where to submerge the remaining of my brain this evening, looking for smth apocalyptic. And the Netflix's sorting algo gives me this.

Keep breathing. Oxygen missing. Don't breathe.

Is this a sign? I mean, it must be some sort of a sign. What's it mean... It can't be just a sheer coincidence.

  • 5
    People still watch Shitflix?
  • 1
    @jestdotty passive acceptance of something as a possibility. Less of a shock and more likely to comply. There is probably volumes of psychology books on this. It is similar to repeating the same lie and people start to believe it even if the info is non factual. Which is why they repeated things like: "safe and effective". None of which is true.
  • 1
    @jestdotty I think the phrase is "predictive programming".
  • 1
    @jestdotty big pharma has tried unsuccessfully to vilify vitamin d for decades. They actually attacked the wellness industry in the 50s with lawsuits against books. They finally lost in court battles in the beginning of the 60s. The same douche people were telling people smoking is good for you.
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    Travelers is ok. People travel back from future to prevent disasters
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    @netikras I thought this was from @jestdotty bc it begins with soooooo lol
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    @retoor The series, right? Watched it already.

    I feel like I've already watched all that's worth watching there and now going another round
  • 3
    @TeachMeCode I literally can't find any of her rants starting with soooo :D
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    Alexa heard you breath so she thinks you would like movies on that topic
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    @netikras sons of anarchy? Vikings? American horror story?
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    @Demolishun in shameless two white people got a black baby. Netflix has no limits. Worried about the zoomers
  • 2
    @retoor I was more turned off by the pedo normalization content they have on there. Then they also went full blast pushing other shit too.

    Edit: I have also started to see pedo shit on hulu too. They all are getting into it.
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    Daenerys Targaryen is like 13 when the books start.
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    @Demolishun they just do anything to shock us. No limits. They're desperate. Our brains became numb that we maybe don't appreciate any series anymore
  • 2
    @retoor if the majority actually told stories for telling stories sake it would be fine. But every damn thing is something laced with some sort of bullshit messaging. For instance. I liked Renfield and Nobody. Both were stories good guys, bad guys, and guys that are bad trying to be good. The stories were fun, interesting, and funny. There was zero bullshit attached. Just pure entertainment. So I know they know how to make fun content.
  • 0
    @Demolishun the Dutch have some good series. All about drugs - but there's not a lot of violence and effects. It's really about the story. Can you see the Dutch serie "Undercover" there? Try it, it's awesome
  • 2
    What was the local time? I feel like it was 2 am and netflix thought you'd like a horror film
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    Some stupid cosine similarity with movie embeddings
  • 0
    They look interesting.
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