
Do you think about paternity / maternity?

I mean it's not that I WANT to have kids but it happened to LITERALLY EVERY ONE OF MY DIRECT ANCESTORS so I fatalistically assume it's gonna happen to me one day. My dad, my grandpa, my grand-grandpa, my grand-grand-grandpa, they all had kids.

I already had some close calls lmao

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    Yes, I'm looking for a guy that has kid(s) > 5 already. I'm a great mommii
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    > Do you think about paternity / maternity?

    Yep, I do, I do everything to avoid it.
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    it's the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

    people suck. children especially. and we're radically overpopulating this planet as it is.
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    @tosensei you're thinking we're overpopulating the planet? Whahaha, the world's empty. Omg. Please, don't take children. Natural selection. Or adopt one, recycle a kid. Good for "climate"
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    @retoor i can get babies for a thousand a piece on the darknet.
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    This planet is actually not overpopulated. The problem lies with humans greed. All those rich bastards only think about themselves rather than the better future for this planet.

    In some countries, people threw away tonnes of food everyday. Food which can easily feed the less fortunate people.

    Oh, they throw away money senselessly too. By buying stupid overpriced stuffs.
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    @mostr4am darknet is stupid overrated stuff. You can't get babies there. Only some pictures
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    -- A father of 3
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    I do, I wish paternity leave was longer.

    - Father of 1
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    @netikras you're a rabbit but good job. That compensates Tosensei a bit
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    no. i am alone so i don't need to think about it
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    @retoor not sure if you're failing at humor, or demonstrating sincere ignorance.

    but in either way, the planet IS overpopulated given our current standard of living.

    and no, i won't adopt. i HATE children.
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    @tosensei ye. people suck. bring the atomic bombs to fix the issue
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    @tosensei sure budy :) You're probably too young for kiddo's anyway
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    @retoor untrue. They're usually dead on arrival though.
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    @daniel-wu last time I gave all the couscous my woman made me to a mskin in the street. Poor dude was illegal and didnt eat in four days. He was very happy
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    @retoor nah, not too young.

    just smart enough NOT to take one a task that i don't want to take on, and that i am not qualified for. (in contrast to most people, who just mindlessly keep on breeding)
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    @tosensei we dont all live like westerners though.

    How do I explain a dude from a tunisian village who regularly starved as a kid that he cannot make children because of our standard of living?
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    @mostr4am i wouldn't. because there's no need. you know the slogan "thing globally, act locally"? i'm doing my part by not breeding here. and in total, it doesn't matter much _where_ new humans are prevented from spawning.
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    @mostr4am that's why you should order multiple. Choose the fat ones, they last longer
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    @tosensei haha, you sound like someone that doesn't take airplanes anymore. Would love to drink with you some time
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    @retoor not really "anymore". i've flown only once in my life (twice if you count the return), and that was almost 20 years ago and because my sister invited me to join her mallorca vacation.

    but to be fair, there's just almost nowhere i'd wanna go where i'd _have_ to fly.
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    @tosensei if I was German and lived in Germany I would fly to east, north, west or south ASAP with only a few schnitzels and an apfelstrudl under my arm and never think a day about the weak reinheidsgebot again. Would also leave my family behind, they're German anyway
  • 3
    Father of three here, and my wife and I seriously consider a fourth in the future.

    Do not assume "having kids someday" fatalistically, as a consequence of bio-historical inertia.
    Remember that the world used to be even more misogynistic than it is today, and on top of it reproduction was often seen as the only means to having more farm labourers.
    Many of our ancestors may not have existed if violence could have been avoided, or if farming was as labour-efficient as it is today.
    Raising children nowadays must be a deliberate choice.

    Also don't think that "liking kids" is the same as "raising humans". They often start as completely dependent infants, and children won't stay children for long - sooner than you realize they develop complex personalities, thoughts, preferences, will and skills to make their will into reality.

    Think of it as inviting into your life someone who comes from literal nowhere, and whose entire view of life will be influenced by your own. Avoid doing it alone.
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    @JsonBoa had to Google definition but what has characterized by hatred of or prejudice against women to do with your story.

    Besides that, cool story bro
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    @retoor no need. since weed is legal now, this will become part of the netherlands, soon, anyway.

    after all, what else are the dutch than germans who are perpetually stoned instead of perpetually drunk and grumpy? ;)
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    Your life will be over immediately. If the life of your child is more important to you than yours, it might be worth it.
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    @tosensei the inventors of ASML.

    Germany would be nice in our portfolio. Next to Russia. https://youtu.be/OVv3ofeBnME/...
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    @kiki I think you would be a great mommii. Much life experience and wisdom
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    @retoor I gave uni lectures (on math!), they had a loooooong set of instructions against using certain words on pretty much any circumstances.
    Especially a word of four letters that often refers to a form of mistreatment of women.
    And even in less violent situations, society pretty much hated women even more than it does today, and this systemic mistreatment resulted in many new births.
    My grandmother was forbidden from studying because it "would distract her from her motherly duties". She raised twelve children. My wife's family has several similar cases.
    My wife (and the one cousin that is older than her) were the first women in their families, ever, to not yet have children by the age 20.

    Those examples illustrate why I think that the fact that society is now a bit less effective in its hate for women has a decelerating effect on the global population.
    Besides, I'm raising two girls of colour. Gotta watch out for my own biases, the world outside already has plenty.
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    You know what? Get yourself a border collie. It's THE smartest dog breed and one of the smartest animal species to ever live. See if it can scratch that itch. It can be demanding — you can't get away with just feeding & walking it — but in exchange, you get a clever life companion that loves you and possesses a nuanced personality. It's a rare kind of pet that is proactive, not reactive.

    It's a great demo version of what having a child feels like from 0 to 5 years of age. If you like it and still want a child, that's good — children that grow with pets are happier. If you don't, well, now you know, congrats avoiding a life-ruining mistake! If you don't even like the dog, at least you can give it away without ruining your life. A win-win-win situation.
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    @kiki I touched a border collie once. It's a borderline collie now.

    I was raised with a beautiful scottish collie btw. A real lady
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    @jestdotty wow, I thought that I dissed some people today but this one is hardcore. I won't forgive you if he deletes his account. I have to post all my memes again
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    @jestdotty its because of all the microplastic we get in our semen.

    Beside, kids, no kids, who the fuck care? Human life can stop and the universe will go on.

    Birth is thus

    death is thus.

    Verse or no verse,

    what’s the fuss?
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    @jestdotty also we're programmer, we ARE drags on society, arent we?
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    @jestdotty not even close. but i'm not surprised that you, once again, can't tell the difference between two almost diametrically opposed things.
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    @jestdotty well it's not like we're doing anything useful is it?
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    > it wouldn't be humble but you saying you know better than "god / physics" on what has to be done.

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    @jestdotty tears of laughter? nah. you ain't that amusing.
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    @tosensei why so mean against dottii 🙁
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