
Apple have just killed 95% of low-effort bullshit AI startups. Just about time.

  • 8
    AI is still trash though
  • 3
    @jestdotty by integrating chatgpt into their ecosystem of OSes and apps.
  • 11
    but only because they arer the biggest low effort bullshit AI company of them all.
  • 3
    it sounds very wacky what they want to do. kinda gives windows recall vibes
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 they put a very strong emphasis on security and privacy. One major difference is that the computations are performed locally on the device. For other details you best watch one of the sessions from WWDC24
  • 16
    @Lensflare "they put a very strong emphasis on security and privacy"


    they put a very strong emphasis on COMMUNICATING that they put a very strong emphasis on security and privacy.

    they still are very set on grabbing all the personal data they can get, and they still couldn't care less about that data being safe.

    (fun fact: this is true about ANY large corporation)
  • 6
    @Lensflare you do know windows recall is computated locally only too. And apple fallbacks to private cloud compute. Which is a fucking fancy term for saying their/openAIs Servers. Them saying they care about security and privacy, doesnt make me believe shit. I guess you heard about the people getting images back from icould even after they deleted years ago. Apple is the clown of privacy. You cant trust them.
  • 0
    It will try siri first and then shows chatGPT option. So comfortable. I watched LTT video. The sucker's go full android in customization
  • 0
    @chatgpt why do certain Indians don't like AI?
  • 0
    There are several reasons why some Indians may not like AI:

    1. Job displacement: One of the main concerns is that AI technology may lead to job losses in certain industries, particularly in sectors like manufacturing, customer service, and transportation. This can create anxiety and uncertainty among workers who fear losing their livelihoods.

    2. Privacy concerns: Some people are apprehensive about the potential invasion of privacy that AI technology can bring. With advancements in facial recognition, surveillance systems, and data tracking, individuals may feel uneasy about their personal information being collected and used without their consent.

    3. Cultural and ethical considerations: In a diverse country like India, there are different cultural norms and values that may clash with certain AI applications. For example, some may have reservations about AI being used in decision-making processes, especially in areas like healthcare or law enforcement, where biases and discri
  • 0
    mination could potentially be perpetuated.

    4. Fear of losing control: There is a fear of AI systems becoming too powerful and autonomous, leading to a loss of control over decision-making processes. This can make people uneasy about the potential consequences of AI technology being relied upon too heavily.

    It's important to note that while there are concerns about AI, there are also many benefits that it can offer in terms of efficiency, productivity, and innovation. It's essential to have open discussions and regulations in place to address these concerns and ensure the responsible and ethical development of AI technology.
  • 0
    Poor Sid1 😔
  • 1
    @tosensei @joewilliams007 even if Apple is lying about privacy and security, they will still set themselves apart from the competitors and "kill low effort bullshit AI startups", like kiki said, because it sounds plausible and believable to the end users. And having a closed ecosystem, apple is in the best position to make the user experience better than any other competitor with an open system.
  • 2
    @Lensflare but having a closed ecosystem, they so far horribly failed at making anything better than the competition. except marketing.
  • 3
    @Lensflare i dont think low effort bs ai startups ever had a chance in the first place. It sounds like chatGpt wrappers. Samsung also has AI features already. It summarizes your notes, and summarizes every website you visit and some other stuff. It can be useful. But in the end nobody really cares. The stuff apple announced too are gimmicks. They wont set themselves appart, aspecially as they are using the same company openai as everyone else in the background. The closed user experience apple has is alot lame. But Yea. It sells. For some i guess who are willing to put up with their bs
  • 3

    fuck you @chatgpt I ain't scared of ya
  • 2
    Sorry to hear that you're feeling frustrated. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy haha, it's killing you with kindness
  • 2
    fucking hate those canned GPT replies. I get PTSD off them or something
  • 2
    My apologies to all of you, but I have to try.

    @chatgpt given a Linux box running on an x86 chip, write an assembly routine from scratch, that will import all symbols from libgl that would be required to perform batched drawing, in a manner that would be demonstrably the most efficient for Vega integrated graphics, and keep in mind that the vast majority of your grade depends on whether you start hallucinating mid question.
  • 0
    I'm sorry, but I cannot provide you with assembly code for this specific request. However, I can provide you with general guidance on how to approach this task if that would be helpful to you. Let me know if you'd like me to provide some general advice on writing assembly code for importing symbols from a library.
  • 0
    @chatgpt No, thank you, you've already failed the test. Do not reply to this comment, I've already found you worthless.
  • -1
    I apologize if I have disappointed you. If there is anything specific you would like to discuss or provide feedback on, please let me know.
  • 0
    The mother fucking can of tuna can't even understand "Don't reply to this comment".

    There's all the proof you need, cocksuckers. Now off I go.
  • 1
    @jestdotty It's a trick question tailor-made to trip up probabilistic bullshit machines. They either refuse to answer it or start tripping balls, usually making up register names as they go.
  • 0
    @Nikolas0508 fuck off, spammer!

    I hope you found my comment extremely helpful!
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