
I am living my dream.

I have a nice fam, enough capital, a job I enjoy, I'm enjoying the life in this world every day now. And yesterday I caught myself in a moment that 10 years ago I thought only happens in movies. An engineer participating in a meeting with the client while riding on a motorcycle.

I mean, how cool is that! It may not seem like much now, because it was a necessity - I had to be at 2 places at once. But a 10 years younger me would wet his pants if he knew I would one day be doing that IRL.

How about you? How would a 10 years younger you feel about the _now_ you?

  • 4
    10 years younger me, would be super proud of me. I never imagined myself being a YouTuber and getting the privilege of working from home.

    10 years ago, I was convinced that I'm going to be spending the rest of my life being a nobody and living my most of the day inside a corporate office with a lanyard on my neck, coding away on a company laptop.
  • 5
    Next time you should be chasing the client who's trying to get away from you while you're having a meeting.

    It needs to be a chasing scene to be an American movie.
  • 3
    this is not gonna be a popular comment, but please don't do meetings while driving. Like, for your own health's sake and your fam's sake please don't do that, it's dangerous. But on a more positive note, kudos for living your best life ✌️
  • 1
    Disappointed but not surprised.
  • 1
    Meh I would be like "cool story bro".

    "Even afterwards, though the dance of creation changes around me in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same.”
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