Week : 45

How is the weekend going?

What was your very last dream all about?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/10742030

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    Quite good, actually! Yesterday got patio chairs for my balcony - now I can start my mornings by sipping coffee there! And in the evening I did a stupid fuckup - used too long drywall anchors for the clothes' drying hanger, slept it off and today fixed my mistake and bought'n'used the right ones. I just hope the drywall ceiling will withstand ~10-15kg of wet clothes [8 anchors on 2 hanger holders]

    overall, I'm very happy how this renovation is coming together! Finally a usable balcony rather than a storage space with a decent view

    and you?
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    Today I dreamt about work, each new ticket that were assigned to us we must close it immediately and do nothing more.
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    @netikras Find the timbers and screw into those?
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    I'm fasting and I might be regretting my life

    oddly didn't have any dreams last night. was sleepy last night which is strange, slept 4 hours, cat woke me up for food, now can't fall asleep and the hunger seems to have faded and now instead I think food is gross and I'm nauseas (which happens from hunger for me sometimes)

    this is fine

    maybe I shouldn't have went straight for 3 days fasting. oh well I'm on this train now and I'm stubborn

    also my body feels fatigued as fuck. I mean I guess it's kinda fun. trying to remember how long I'd go without food as a child but I don't think I ever tracked it

    maybe I need electrolytes. cuz I shriveled like a prune the first while πŸ€”, and my lips are all dry despite me drinking over 2 liters of water a day
    also now I get dizzy getting up, like I sunbathed on my deck for 30 minutes and got dizzy getting up, or in the mornings lol

    right now is hour 41 and I'm going to 72. wheeee
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    @donkulator there's no timber. It's an old soviet "lego" building, built out of blocks (250cm/x250cm). And the mortar is melting (these buildings were built to be torn down like 20-30 years ago already). I was scared to my bones to drill those few holes In the balcony upstairs to fix my ceiling to.....
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    @jestdotty don't give up! The first 3 days are the hardest. THen it gets much easier. THe hunger is no more and the energy boost is unbelievable!.

    Make sure to stay well hydrated and have those vitamin/microelement drinks -- keep your running body on hydroponics.

    I'm starting aggressive fasting session myself (planning to have a 1-1.5month run, maybe more if I'll manage to not give in to the temptation of my veggies when they ripe)
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    @jestdotty it's just a slip, no biggie :)

    light-headedness - I actually like it 😁 like being drunk w/o spending a dime and.. Legally 😁to avoid fainting I just bend down just enough to reach my knees and stay there for a few seconds. It shaves the peak off.
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    I don't dream...
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    I can’t fast. I skipped dinner now I’m stuffing a cantina chicken burrito from Taco Bell down my face
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    @Nikolas0508 you said the same thing in a few posts. Do us a favor and say you’re not a bot.
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