
Kaspersky must be finding the malware/viruses the US government is creating...


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    o I was gonna say cuz it's Russian

    and yeah they're claiming it's cuz it's Russian

    I always worry. it's the one racism you're allowed to do

    imagine banning bananas because they were invented by black people or something (I don't know)

    just audit them stop being a little shit
    better yet are the American virus tools snooping on you then?!
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    @jestdotty it's the "pressure cooker" effect US tries to go for
    "No racism against ANYONE!" and people are shamed at the slightest shade of racism

    all of it is conserved for when an 'enemy' is found and suddenly that country's people arent even human anymore and blatant racism + human-rights violations are fair-game + celebrated

    On a grander level it's beautiful crowd control, but disgusting nonetheless
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    @azuredivay Qt company banned all Russian IP addresses a few years back. I am sure a lot of this has been happening everywhere for some time.
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    @Demolishun same old playbook. Funny how Cuba is still embargoed decades after the Soviet Union died. It is all bullshit disguised as “they are evil and we are the goodies!” that only the dumbest fuck would believe. At the same time it has zero issues dealing with governments that are arguably worse just because it’s convenient or it helps them against whatever enemies they are having a pissing contest with.
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    Everybody spies everybody.
    Israeli spies found Russian hackers using Kaspersky software years ago. It would be crazy to blindly use Russian closed source software unless you're sympathetic to the Russian government.
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    @azuredivay How is this about racism? It's an attempt to inhibit russian spying. Whether they actually do or not
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    @12bitfloat presumption of guilt on black people

    you make them second rate citizens "just in case". guilty before proof

    I mean you wanna be isolationist it'll just backfire. it's a dumb economic choice

    I suppose if you're planning to go to war with someone you'd be trying to minimize any information they could ascertain of you though, and any channels by which they could gather such info now instead of later

    I just hope we don't get to camps cuz I'd end up in one. came when I was as a kid but the "Russian spy" meme is still quite alive
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    @jestdotty I really don't think "assumption of guilt" is a fair argument when it's about a superpower trying to prevent another superpower from spying...

    Yeah I don't think the same rules apply there
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    @jestdotty the military industrial complex NEEDS war to make money. They are trying so hard to go to war.
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    @jestdotty "all the Americans". Why do people think this is a monolithic group of people? I think some Americans might know this, but many don't have a clue. A lot of people I know think I am crazy because I don't believe what the TV says anymore. Pretty sure a good number of people here think the same thing. I do not think people are fully aware of the MIC. Most don't even know a past president warned people about the MIC. Then they killed a president in broad daylight in front of the whole world.
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