
How to detect a bad programmer ...

  • 2
    right, if they're gonna refresh the token automatically, they should do it at least a few seconds *before* the old one expires.
  • 1
    right, VSCode.
  • 2
    had a dude commit alert boxes into prod like that once, then I kept having to chase him every time and argue with him to fix it

    HR hired him after that (he was a temp before)... seemingly because of his personality. think he was funny to her or something. not sure where he got sent after that but it wasn't to me so that was fine
  • 1
    Also, no try/catch around those awaits. A rejected token refresh will just silently throw and leave you logged in
  • 3
    yes. indeed.

    bad programmers DO use javascript.
  • 1
    @tosensei smh, this is clearly TypeScript.
  • 1
    @localpost pretty sure you can't specify a return type in JS. So yeah, definitely TS.

    Doesn't make it any less bad 🤷
  • 0
    @localpost typescript is just javascript that lies to you about having support for types.

    same bullshit, only more frustration because it sets higher expectations to not meet.
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