
I have an old manager that I worked with at an old job that got me shit canned for a failed web sockets implementation. He works at a new company and wants to talk.

What should I do?

A) I don’t trust this fucker. Ignore him.
B) Forgive and forget and try to get the job?
C) Something else.
D) SWAT the motherfucker.

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    The websockets worked great until you tried running them through an ibm powerblade. I placed this technical detail firmly in the category of not my fucking problem.
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    See what is it about. Don't make any commitments. Even if its a good place to work you don't have to commit to anything. If this isn't an apology then just walk away. If it looks like he wants to use you to bail himself out you get the opportunity to watch him fail.

    I honestly don't know what I would do here. I would be really curious to know what is up though.
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    A or C

    don't trust him and view him as hostile. C would be join him but decide to outdo him at his own game, take him for all he's worth and also get him canned

    but if you like your current job why bother?
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    Unless you plan to force him out of the new company, then D.
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    A and Don't waste your time.
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    E) Charge him by the hour for a consult.
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