I was humiliated because I participated in the development of a site to calculate the time in LoL and I dared to do it in pure html/css....

Let me explain: since I was a teenager, I have loved creating sites around the League of Legends community and my portfolio is therefore full of similar projects. I live in a city that is not necessarily tech and so it was complicated for me to find a coding school but I ended up getting there and being accepted. From the 3rd day, my classmates questioned me and asked to see some of my projects. Proudly, I show them https://wastedtime.io which is a project in which I voluntarily participated by making html/css allowing them to recover the time spent on LoL. When suddenly one of them asks me the question “how did I do the front”. So I told him I did pure HTML/CSS. So he looked at me with a haughty look, making fun of me for not using React, the strangest thing was that the others were following me and looking at me like I was a dinosaur. What's wrong with people? I had already done this with PHP on the Internet and now in real life I also get mocked with HTML and CSS without using libraries. I learned my lesson with PHP, but now I have to face the same ridicule with pure HTML/css because I'm "not good enough with my time"? Aren't the reactions a little disproportionate? I mean, do I have a few more years left without being singled out and called a dinosaur like php coders or is it already over for those who do pure HTML/css ?

  • 10
    bru, html and css is literally all you need, checkout https://htmx.org

    It's faster, it's cleaner, it's best!

    I don't do it cuz my typescript-fu beats my html/css senseless - even tho mdn/reference is one of my bedside readings

    take all that into account and you can almost ascertain how much of a newbie those haters must be.

    Chin up, pal, you're probably a way better programmer then they are
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    @kobenz I’ll admit css is by far the fastest to atrophy for me if I spend too much time doing backend (I’m full stack)
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    those sites are better though

    they load faster and stuff

    you can know the other tools but still favour the simpler ways of doing things
  • 5
    We're comrades then.
    I avoid frameworks like the plague because I feel it abstracts away a lot of the work one would have to put in to get a site actually running.
  • 1
    I have fun triggering people like that by saying html is a programming language. I even get some believers by linking a professor from a college saying the same thing. It is funny as hell.
  • 2
    HTML >>>>> Diarrhea >>>>> JavaScript >>>>> the opinions from your classmates
  • 1
    I write everything on the web in pure JS. Typescript solved a problem I never had. I never ever faced an issue with types, I have to admit that I am not writing nuclear silo control backend in JavaScript, so I am fine with it
  • 1
    I'm suspicious about pure HTML+CSS projects because in practice multiple pages have to share a layout, and it's never ever written the same on all pages. Anyone who has the rigor to keep duplicate code in sync will choose to save that work and avoid duplication in the first place.
  • 0
    But this website just uses SSR which is a valuable feature most JS frameworks have despite the complexity of doing it right.
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    @lorentz sharing layout is very bad

    source: experience

    I don't know if people actually know this tho

    I don't think html and css necessarily means sharing layout though (and in svelte you don't 😋)

    actually it was a problem because we used a css framework, so then everyone kept making faux-components and keeping track of that was ridiculous

    and the kicker is when we started the project the guy who wanted the css framework said you have to use the framework and not edit it with css. which is what I did, but then new devs came in and were always mad at me for asking them to use the framework instead of homebrewing their own css on top of the framework during code reviews. LEARN YOUR JOB

    so overall just seems easier if everyone can just rebuild their own shit every time. then they would bitch less
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