
Holy shit, I just got hired.

  • 2
    Nice. How long did it take you?
  • 2

    I just got an email for a rust position that would by my estimations pay well and it seems their website says senior and they're starting a new department but I don't wanna... my brain's been recovering a month or two but I wanna wait longer raaghhh
  • 7
    my condolences
  • 2
    @ars1 Close to ten years lmao. This is why I'm also a baker ;>

    @jestdotty I mean, Rust is weird, but a check is a check.
  • 4
    @joewilliams007 I get where you're coming from, but I'm excited nonetheless: the code I have to work with is interesting, the company is small, and the people seem pretty chill. As in, I have very positive feelings right now, and my default emotional state is absolute despair.
  • 2
    @Liebranca welcome to hell, please enjoy your stay
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  • 1
    gz, hope you have prepared some coke and hookers
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