
I wish music made money

and also that I didn't have to write a library to be able to make the music I wanna make, raaghhh

I wrote one in JavaScript but javascript is poor at timing and for music timing is important. it's mostly fine if you don't listen too hard but it could be so much better

I want to make something like it in rust but I'm fish out of water. I want bit-level control of output but I don't have the precursory knowledge to know how to do it

*lazily works on secret evil plan instead*
wish my head would stop hurting also, that would be great

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    Have you tried a DAW?
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    @Lensflare I do all of my music in CLI only with jack
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    @jestdotty just code it in C really. Or as lensflare said, just use a DAW. The more i got into music the more I realize it doesnt really matter what tool you use.

    Bitwig is a very good one and runs on linux.


    Wink wink
  • 3
    @Lensflare you’ll never make it if you don’t prepare the soil and trees for your instruments, so that your instrument craftsmanship will be perfectly tailored to your hand built microphones that can then be connected to your very own sound library written in perfect rustacean code.
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    Why JavaScript? Wouldn’t the realtime requirement rule out this language already? I believe C/C++ would suit much better
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    if you attempt to make musik in order to make money, you'll fail at both.

    unless you're a multi-billion-dollar-industry. then you can make shitloads of money with shitty, algorithm-generated music. but there's not enough room for two of those.
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    @mostr4am code everything in C!

    But seriously, Zig is created exactly because of this use case. The creator of zig wanted an audio thingy but found out that high level was too slow and he didn't like the current low level languages. So zig was born so he could make his audio app. Don't know if he did. Maybe you can check zig? It's kinda rusty?
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    @Chewbanacas to be fair you could do quite a lot without ever needing to do real time. Latency compensation exists.

    Again, technique will never replace creativity.
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    @mostr4am well what do I know, but with C/C++ I believe this wouldn’t be of any concern anyway
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    @Chewbanacas depends. You can make shitty code in C if you want.

    But look to sequence midi you don't need to be suuuuperfast either. It's more a concern for effects and synthesis I think
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    @Chewbanacas it was just what I was good at so that's where I wrote it. I didn't think anything of it at the time
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    @tosensei I actually really appreciate your comment. when I was a kid the whole reason I got into tech was because someone told me a 12 year old kid couldn't do it. I have not been able to replicate that feeling since
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    @mostr4am yea learned the hard way how an infinite loop created a 15GB logfile in one second.
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    @jestdotty no offense, I would never want to program in C either
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