
Petition to rename this app “engineer therapy”

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    but then all the AI spam will keep telling you you need a health professional and can't do anything on your own unless you get an authority to churn the butter that is your brain
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    @jestdotty sounds like it’s preferable to the current AI spam. Maybe.
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    @Tounai yeah it’s so much better when the rubber duck is actually able to answer to your desperate attempts to explain something (and then to insult you because it doesn’t agree)
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    @jestdotty It’s part of the process.
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    @Lensflare I drowned mine.
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    I wonder if legally changing my last name to McFuckface will cause AI to not be able to email me anymore?

    BTW if you make your name Fuckface in FO4, Codsworth will say it. It is one of his prerecorded names he can say.
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    @Demolishun I can‘t wait for AI in games to not only be able to pronounce any name that you give to your character, but also to be able to have a real voice conversation.

    Me: "Hey buddy, have you seen Biff? I found his lost hammer and want to bring it back to him."
    Random NPC: "Yes, I believe he wanted to go to the graveyard this evening. You can probably meet him there."

    That would be awesome!
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    @jestdotty it‘s 90% Wizard Trust Hacker Crypto Currency Recovery Something Something
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    @Lensflare I think someone could realistically do this with text right now. A nice NPC engine to have text conversations would be a lot of fun.
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    What makes you think it's therapy?
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    Put the petition on change.org. A Dutchy once tried to change the plural of cow (koe) from cows (koeien) to coww (koeii). Didn't happen. Platform for change, my ass. I still have koeien around my house. Burgers shouldn't have legs imho
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    @mostr4am omg, is this an attack?
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    @retoor He is resentful because he lives in the worst country of Europe, which is a crap version of France
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    @Tounai the dutch call it their parking lot :)
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    It‘s weird that in almost every language it‘s called tank. But Germany, no, we call it Panzer!
    (Literally translates to "armor")
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