
I personally don’t mind the wave of “back to the office” as long as transports costs are added to my income and I can start 1h30 later and leave 1h30 earlier.

  • 0
    Or you could just work from home...
  • 3
    I once tried to get someone to pay me hourly for my travel time

    they seemed unhappy about it

    but they were actually having me come into the office for an hour on weekends. it took me 2 hours to get paid for 1 hour of "work" which was a useless meeting. so disrespectful.
  • 4
    Ough, I did driving three hours a day for work. Never again! It's so crowded on the road these days. Even with comming later and leaving sooner I freaking won't. I'm a programmer, not a chauffeur
  • 1
    @jestdotty in outsourcing I had that if driving > hour
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    And if the company plant thousands of trees for the increased traffic pollution
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    @cafecortado No they should pay fines. You cannot cause damages to the environment and save yourself with a few trees. It’s not a bible story.
  • 2
    China has battery replacement stations instead of charging stations

    way smarter idea than the West's retardation
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    @jestdotty well the consensus says that CO2 in emitted in high quantities is not the best thing in the world but I agree it’s not the biggest issue on environmental matter.
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    @jestdotty to be honest my level of science is not high enough to tell you if it’s true or not, so I rely on the opinion of experts. The best I can do at worst is to tell you that I don’t know. But what I know is that companies are not doing anything to preserve environment, they just lie about it. Some reach “neutral carbon emissions” by buying forests which is just utterly stupid.
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    @jestdotty + I am not into conspiracy theories because I think people governing are just stupid wimps.
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