All right I will tune down on the shitposting from now on and try to do something actually useful.

Maybe if gf know people in lebannon I can publish their story somewhere.

  • 1
    Just tune down? Oh boy…
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    make music with the voices of people screaming as they get bombed to death
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    @jestdotty That's some true metal shit right there
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    one way to get awareness

    but also

    I actually genuinely love music where they have a recording of someone and they have emotions in their voice. the empathy hits like a drug of its own, and fear is high octane cocaine, especially in this boring world where everybody thinks nothing matters
  • 2
    Is this a permanent thing w/you? Hijacking a dev board w/incendiary mental masturbation?
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    @bols59 well guess what idiot its the only place i can talk freely.
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    @bols59 for real it comes and goes really but today im in a bad mood so brace yourself
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    @mostr4am in other words, this is the only place where don’t get banned because it’s unmoderated. Paradise for spammers and trolls.
  • 0
    @Lensflare what you mean is "uncensored".

    I got my facebook account banned in 2022 because I dared to say killing enemy civilians 30-to-1 isn't a just cause, it's a massacre.

    The thing with idiots jingoist normies like yourself is their ostrich stance. Hide your head in the sand I do not want your truth.
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    @Lensflare yeah you're right I am a UN troll. You know I post conspiracy theory from amnesty and shit.

    You dumb bitch.
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    @mostr4am you use a platform, you accept its rules. You don’t like it, you don’t use the platform.
    You break the rules, you get banned.
    If you see this as censorship, that’s your own problem.
    I see it as the correct measure to keep the platform clean from bullshit content that doesn’t belong here. If I wanted to read about political circlejerking the whole day, I'd go to twitter/X.
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    @Lensflare bitch please facebook is a CIA psyop bullcrap. You like it because you're a little german cocksucker who like to passively eat fascist propaganda like the guillible little worm you are. Brown pest. Should gulag.
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    @Lensflare you cambridge analiticunt. I gave my opinion in good faith about something that should not be controversial. Your brainwashing is the same as in a russian dictatorship. You suck as a human being and I wish you the worst.
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    @Lensflare I wish the yanks invades de haag ahah Im so ready.
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    @mostr4am I don’t even have a facebook account, lol. Try harder, troll!
    Bonus points for finding new ways to insult me based on the country that I live in, like the nazi that you are!
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    @Lensflare they just call real people spammers and trolls now to dismiss them if they can't ban them

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    @Lensflare you support a guy that's wanted for genocide and appartheid but I'm a nazi because I hurt your feeling.

    German logic.
  • 0
    @Lensflare then why the fuck do you talk about facebook retard?
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    @mostr4am you started talking about facebook after I mentioned twitter/X.

    I also don’t have a twitter account. Remember I said that if I wanted that political crap I would go to twitter. I don’t want political crap.

    Anyway, again you fail to read properly and make all kinds of nonsensical conclusions. A true idiot if you weren’t a troll.
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    @mostr4am clever move with continuously claiming that I (or the other victims of your trolling) support something horrible. It makes us want to engage and clarify that we don’t support it.
    That’s what makes your trolling so good.
    But I’m learning. Slowly but steadily.
  • 1
    @Lensflare @bosslogic definitely support it.

    But yes by definition trolling is about chain reaction. You see me insulting actual bad people, you get outraged, so you insult me, until some other idiot gets triggered at you insulting me, and so on.

    But the truth is, you do. People who stay silent are complicit.
  • 0

    > But yes by definition trolling is about chain reaction. You see me insulting actual bad people, you get outraged, so you insult me, until some other idiot gets triggered at you insulting me, and so on.

    Nothing of what you hallucinated and wrote here is even remotely true, lol.

    You are a genius troll who gets his satisfaction out of triggering people and make them rage about your nonsense.

    Sad part is how others find it entertaining and thats where you get your upvotes from.
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    @Lensflare well you wanna know what else I'm gonna shove in your throat?

    It start with "my big fat coc"
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    @mostr4am you will take any comment, jump some step of logic, then proclaim the speaker supports white colonialist genocide. You ignore the history of the situation. You ignore the strategic scenario down there. Instead, focusing exclusively on Arab civilians caught in it. It's just dumb, bro.
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    Fact 1: Netanyahu is under ICC warrant for warcrime.

    Fact 2: the US threatened to invade the haag if they invastigate israel too much.

    Fuck off, bitch. Your rewritten history have no value. What, you're gonna serve me the official version that says israel is a safe haven for jews but not an ethnostate? And you're talking about shoving things down people throat?

    Die cunt
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    @bosslogic yeah focussing on civilians is so dumb. We should keep on killing them bro because history.

    Fucking heartless machineman.
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    @bosslogic don’t feed the troll. Downvote him.
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    @Lensflare @bosslogic yes please I'm tired of answering to your bullcrap. He's a genocide apologist and you, well I'm sure your heart is at the right place but you're just plain stupid.
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    @bosslogic so you support white colonialism genocide and it's justified. just because something is "justified" doesn't make it not that thing

    I'm breaking my diet to eat cake. I had a long and horrible day. well I'm still breaking my diet to eat cake. even if it's justified
  • 1
    @mostr4am civilians are just the tax slaves to keep the war machines going

    and technically
    all is fair in love and war
    and Machiavelli and every strategy guide (of which politics definitely is) would view it to be advantageous to kill the civilians to deplete the "resources" of your enemy country
    actually they specifically advocate for maiming them. because then not only do they lose able bodied civilians, the still able bodied civilians now have to support the maimed ones. so you get extra advantage if you leave them alive but helpless

    should make anyone's Spidey senses tingle when they look at USA's food problem
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