Yesterday i was at the spa and some guy talk to me. Cool

Turns out the guy is a "magnetism consultant" who spent 10 minutes warning me about the danger of wifi.

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    @jestdotty and I dont give a fuck about wifi I have some other problems tbh
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    @jestdotty not even related to wifi tbh I'm chilling i dont want to recieve a sales pitch
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    But how ? Was he following you into the spa ? Or does he stay there every day to sell his talk ?

    Has he done research and found out that people who go to spa's are more likely to agree with what he says ?
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    Now you know how it feels like when some idiot tries to shove his stupid agenda into you when you don’t fucking care about what he has to say.
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    @Lensflare its typical of dumb scum like you to equate the most trivial shit with people getting bombed.

    Kinda like the idiots who use the term "agenda". I guarantee you seeing our countries committing genocide again wasn't on it. Why don't you quit using euphemism and call it what you think it is - conspiracy.
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    @mostr4am "I have some other problems" gold medal for understating...
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    @atheist speaking of which, did you fix your nazi riot problem, brittie?
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    @atheist right? everything is expensive, gf cant work, she's getting phone call from lebannon coz her friends are getting bomb, parents are both in a burnout because their stupid workplace is understaffed, the world is nazifying and all the retarded centrists comfort each other while supporting litteral genocide.
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    @Grumm i dont think it was premeditated lmao it was just a guy
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    @mostr4am hey! We're making progress! You nolonger think I'm American!
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    @atheist americans are just brits who themselves are just germans. What the nazis did in france, the brits did in india and the yank did to the natives. They're all the same really.
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    @mostr4am IDK, it's hard to call us German, UK was a mixing pot of us getting conquered and conquering others. Our language is a mix of Latin from the Romans, French from our aristocracy and Norse from the Vikings. We have interesting architecture at least.
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    @mostr4am re the UK riots, I was reading this and sometimes I think the internet was a bad idea.
    Guy in Finland stirring up the first protests turned riots...
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    @mostr4am when will you learn to use and spell the word "literal" correctly?
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    No idea what the guy said, but the stupid ass rf stickers are just bullshit. You can't fix the signal.

    Having said that. There was an experiment done with normal wifi. The experimenters directed a wifi signal at rats for 15 minutes per day. I cannot remember if it was at a specific location on the body or not. But it was supposed to reflect wifi you would get with close proximity body contact of wifi devices like phones and laptops. Anyway I think they did this like 30 days or something. At the end they killed the rats and checked their eggs (female). They found that the rats egg supply was reduced by 50%. As in only 50% of the viable eggs remained. So I would not recommend putting your phone or laptop on your lap.

    I think the way the damage works is it does basically heating of the cells. This can damage them somehow. Wifi is microwave radiation. So it can cook your balls.
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    @Demolishun you mean I can get cancer and get medical marijuana?
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    @mostr4am this is the way

    I don't know if it can damage dna though. That wasn't mentioned in the study. I think it was cell death or something.
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    @mostr4am throw in some more links about your political bullshit to prove me wrong about your wrong usage of the word literal 😂
    Those 3 weren’t enough.
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    You are lucky it wasn't something else
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    @dIREsTRAITS right? Have heard stories of random dudes fucking in saunas in front of people at gyms.
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    @Demolishun your body uses electricity to pass things in and out of cells. so basically for some biochemical reactions, because a bunch of them happen within cells

    it would mess with metabolism. you have less energy, you'll make less stuff. so the symptoms will be pretty broad. anxiety seems to be a common one though, probably because your body is trying to counteract the debuff

    *hugs emf pendent*
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    @Lensflare so you're saying it's a figurative genocide, you goddamn idiot?
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    @Demolishun yeah it's called porn
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    @mostr4am you wouldn’t understand because you literally have a piece of dry bread in your head instead of a brain and you are literally immune to reasoning.
    But more importantly, you are a literal troll, literally.
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    @Lensflare ah yes how convenient lmao

    Fkn kraut
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    "You wouldn't understand", are you 5?
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    @mostr4am I’m literally not 5!
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    @Lensflare If that was the case, going to a spa is not the best option. Soggy bread is disgusting...
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