do you guys think bigfoot is real?

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    @jestdotty jestie he's being mean to ancaps :(

    @spoiledgoods dont be mean about ancaps they are the only right wingers who are just misguided jestie have heart.
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    Bigfoot is the actual chosen people. The rest of us are genetically modified by aliens to be naked apes. It was an intergalactic jape to see if we would survive. So we have innate anger and rebellion. Eventually the tall greys will purge us from the Earth and start over. ;-)

    All flerfers are fourth dimensional beings. Everything in the third dimension looks flat to them.
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    @Demolishun I like that, I just hope they emerge in my lifetime

    A man who claims to live with the Bigfoot (named Stacy, you can google him) says they are reluctant to emerge because they do not trust the Biden administration

    Apparently there is a portal they use to travel between here and *there* somewhere in Appalachian Ohio
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    I don't remember who was it that called companies "little autocracies" and my life hasn't been the same since
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    @darksideofyay we long for freedom, but choose despotism.
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    @antinazi anarchy is against coercion

    if they're actually anarchist idk what they define tyranny as. pretty sure you need to coerce people to do a tyranny

    also there's rumours that libertarian party was infiltrated decades ago by some other weird fake political group that wasn't really anarchist and may or may not be FBI, as is always the case with these people

    so i'd judge them based on if they understand their own philosophy or not

    it's like Americans thinking USA is a country (it actually isn't, each state is a country), and that USA is a democracy when it's actually a constitutional Republic. they're just 1984 redefining things and it making everyone confused.
    or how the Democrats say they need to win vs trump to save democracy... but were sued for rigging the primaries vs Bernie sanders and won on the basis that they didn't need to be democratic so it's not voter fraud lmao
    or how nobody actually voted for Kamala. democracy.

    they're using words but it not what they mean
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    I hope he's real. He would make a fine coat and winter is comming
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    The "theory" for some of the vocalizations is that the Chinese built the railroads out West. So they had a lot of exposure to that language. Also the Chinese visited North America a LONG time ago as well.
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    @Demolishun that's a super old recording so I doubt this theory applies, but to me, it looks like a bunch of dudes are yelling at each other in the woods.

    I did watch a few docs on ol Bigfoot and noticed how many dudes were spending countless nights in the woods yelling at Bigfoot, trying to illicit a response. Most of the audio captures are replies to their yelling, none of them are heard unprovoked
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    @spoiledgoods yeah, it is interesting, but not real proof of anything.
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    either he ain't real and you're wasting your time

    or he's real and doesn't wanna be part of society and that should be a respectable choice
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    @spoiledgoods have you watched Troll Hunters? It is hilariously fun to watch.
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    @jestdotty it's almost as if the democrats are complicit in the erosion of democracy
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    I used to think I was a big foot (45) but my feet recently lost weight so now Im 43
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    @Demolishun They're all trying to find Bigfoot but instead, finding each other. Actually romantic as fuck
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    I had heard about this study and didn't know the results. They apparently found some hair from an ancient bear or something. Like a bear that should have died out. Kinda cool.

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    @Demolishun oh yeah, no question that there are remnants of ancient mammals lurkin around, i feel like it'd be naive to deny that. Especially in our oceans, god knows what's creepin around down there.....

    Is it a big furry bipedal dude? Doubt it haha
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    @spoiledgoods there is some golden mini bipedal in madagascar I heard. Like pigmy sized.

    Also, didn't they just find another elephant besides African and Asian walking around? It was some backwater area in Asia and you have to ride an elephant to get through the brush. Nobody knew it wasn't "just an elephant" until someone who knew the differences saw it. Supposedly it has a head like a mammoth.

    Edit: also, it isn't wooly either.
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    @Demolishun that is so creepy
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    heh, "lepresquatch"
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    Please no more political posts. Just because ostream did it doesn't allow it
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    @jestdotty there used to be actual anarchists in the us. Still are.

    They also used to be quite violent. 1st of may became international day of labour coz they shot a bunch of unionist after a terrorist attack.

    The unionists had nothing to do with it iirc it was some exalted dude who did it.
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