
Was hired to help setup linux backup. Ended up helping fire someone

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    Care to elavorate more?
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    I cant hold it anymore. How did you this?
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    To elaborate. I was hired to help back up a server. That an et guy was running. He pretty much became a system admin because they didnt hire a admin to handle their computer systems. So they than asked if i could take control from him. Because they where planning on getting rid of him. I took access of him but told client they should keep him. As he was the only one that knew how it ran. And he was only doing it because they neglected to hire someone. But they didnt want him to run the computers. They wanted them to just run without anyone working on them. They ended up keeping him under my advice. But boy was he pissed when i locked him out of his own system. They ended up giving him back access. Because it became an unmanageable mess.
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