
Just had the realization that the reason why the internet is so toxic isn't really because of anonymity

It's because if you're a massive asshole to someone, that person can't punch you in the face

I mean this for real, and it's kinda counter intuitive, but the underlying threat of violence is what keeps society civil and polite

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    it's probably the bots tbh

    things aren't up voted by merit. so you never see the best of humanity. you see the best of humanity that still tows some arbitrary and irrelevant line. so merit degrades, and everyone becomes nihilistic
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    Since the police have monopoly on violence, in real life it happens too. People just saying stuff, because if you lash out, you're the one having the problem. People can bully you endless if they want. There's some tv program about stalkers and those people are completely crazy, but can do whatever they want because it's not violent and violence against the stalker is forbidden. Those people completely terrorizing people
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    @jestdotty That's also definitely true, there's TONS of rage bait and stuff

    But the point still stands... They wouldn't do that IRL because they'd get roughing up
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    @retoor You're not wrong, but I mean it more in the general sense of mankind. If you talk shit, you get hit.... Only now in the internet age is it different that you can essentially talk as much shit as you want without any consequence whatsoever
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    @12bitfloat had a stalker from NL saying that to me. sounds stupid to me

    he was like, you wouldn't reject me IRL cuz I'd knock your skull in! something to that effect

    kicker is I think my 5'8" ass would intimidate his 6'5" smeagle ass, which is just gonna make him even sadder as a human being

    now I understand why he was so big into stalking

    ... also irl I wouldn't have to punch him. I wouldn't survive a punch from a dude well, if it hit lol, and I don't even know how to punch. so it's not punching

    actually I once read out loud the messages he sent to me, via voice clip recordings, cuz he kept going on about how I interpreted him, so to prove to him I didn't interpret him the way he was saying, I read his messages in the way he sounded in my head. he "laughed" at me (but it was fake), and then 2 hours later he ragequit and deleted his server, account, etc. I didn't see him for 2 weeks. then he came by and tried to sexually harass me saying my voice was hot in those clips. right
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    It's teenagers and "know it all" student types that cause the majority of trouble online because they're stupid assholes. lol

    It would take a lot to actually hit someone in person, Social media always causes a lot of trouble because of mixed company where you have different social structures and relationships with people in one place, for example; your drinking buddies and good friends you grew up with, will perceive you differently than your professional colleagues and people who look up to you.

    trouble usually breaks out over something trivial like a "throw away" comment to one person picked up by another and inflated by algorithms.

    Close friends and family can be very protective too and that can cause trouble.

    Social media sites, know this and they love it, drama 24/7 drives traffic.

    Ultimately, online toxicity is designed and controlled by Social media sites.
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    @jestdotty Yikes, that sounds horrible

    But I say this: If you would have punched him into the next dimension, he would have stopped right quick

    But that's easier to say when you're a man. Which is why we need to protect women and stop to pretending men and women are exactly the same. We should have the same rights, but we have very different experiences
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    @12bitfloat if I punched him he'd punch me and I wouldn't survive that. so it's in my best interest for there not to be punches

    but still IRL somehow a woman who can't punch has more power. and those voice clips gave me power that plain text didn't
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    @jestdotty Yeah but that's exactly what I'm saying: Men have a system of shared influence over each other because they can beat each other the f down

    That's why they aren't violent.... At leat against each other
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    That is why gun ownership prevents crime. That is why if you have nukes nobody fucks with you.
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    I remember teaching my sister to punch. Some kid in junior high kept giving her shit. She punched him in the arm. He couldn't lift his arm the rest of the day. Next day he had black, blue, and green bruise. He never bothered her again.
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    I punched a guy in the face once and now I'm on the no-fly list :/ that bitch deserved it though.
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    Take the hooligans who went to amsterdam yesterday lmao. If they knew they were gonna get beat up they might not have attacked that taxi driver.
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    @jestdotty that guy really seems to be bad news. How did you meet him?
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    @bazmd some people do not take other people online serious, like not human being and do whatever they want. I do care about others online and take them serious. Still, I prefer anonymous social media so I can say things my friends wouldn't like. These days anyone can cancel you, friendship became so fragile
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    @antigermgerm crazy stuff huh? Agressive jews ffs. Not very peaceful. They were quite organized as well, police had quite some troubles. In the end - the jews did get away with no consequences afaik while they really misbehaved
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    @retoor hooliganism is weird. I never understood football (it's soooo fucking boring) but clubs all have their personalities and ideology. It's kinda fascinating.
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    @antigermgerm it's about being in a flock. Everyone considers to be part of a certain flock. It can be a club, country, race, people who do the same job / Hobby as you (I'm in this one) or whatever. The world is not a flock, that's for people that care about nothing. Finding your flock is important
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    @antigermgerm https://youtu.be/vtkQiLkNgOI/... our x270 is way better, but it's cool there's a one day old video about the previous version of the laptop we love being the ultimate Linux laptop
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    @retoor oh, it's possible to upgrade screen, my only complaint
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    @jestdotty I have no words 😁
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