
Microsoft > Linux

  • 7
    good on you that u posted this with a 'joke/meme' tag.

    Otherwise, war crimes would've been committed in this thread.
  • 10
    But Windows is better than Linux. I mean, Linux is so shitty you can't even buy it at the store. Windows costs money. So it has to be better.
  • 5
    Every time someone overloads the > operator so that it works on completely different types of object, God kills a kitten.
  • 0
    @donkulator I mean Linux foundation
  • 1
    @AdamOnAir is the foundation filled with communists? I lost interest with Debian when they went on an anti IP ownership tirade because of Stallman. How dare people own trademarked names.

    Now I think Microsoft is filled with cunts, but I am wary of the anti UP cunts as well.
  • 3
    @AdamOnAir When you create an implicit conversion between completely different types he kills a puppy.
  • 1
    Linux foundation are wokies investing everything into AI, woke and climate/environment, and only 6% or revenue in linux or so. They do have a very nice diversity program tho. Jay!
  • 3
    Microsoft is indeed larger than the Linux Foundation.
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