
You know how each generation is taught more and more advanced stuff? My grandparents didn't have a clue about the the things my parents were learning at school. My parents could only catch up with my school course until like 7-8 class. Considering this trend we should have no idea about half the things our kids will be learning in higher classes.

However, since AI is taking its pace, schools are adapting and starting to use it for teaching, workplaces are leveraging it to rely on employees' brainpower and skill less and less,... I wonder if we won't see a downtrend. I wonder if we won't be the smartest generation who managed to ingest so much knowledge, and all the generations to come will only focus on mastering prompt engineering.

I wonder, how long will we survive with this dumbed down society... As the primal instinct is to overcome your opponent with greater force, possibly destroying it and everything around. And less educated tend to rely on primal instincts more.

I wonder if I'll live long enough to see Idiocracy [the movie] manifest in real life.

I know I refer to Idiocracy movie more often than anyone refers any other movie here. But it just hits too close to home too often. It might look like a silly something to spend time staring at, but man.. It's got one hell of a point

  • 1
    I feel like the genZ is particularly stupid and know very little about anything, unless it is because I live in the UK, which is uneducated in comparison to more civilised places
  • 0
    What do you mean? Millenials were dumb fucks before AI. Some of the stuff coming out of Generation Z is looking more promising. IMO
  • 1
    > I wonder if I'll live long enough to see

    > Idiocracy [the movie] manifest in real life.

    Electrolytes! (look around you, we are solidly headed there)
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