
Me: Hey, guys, this stuff is seriously flammable. Like, I’m surprised it hasn’t caught fire yet. I really want to clean it up. Here’s how I’d make it better.

Management: No. It’s fine, it works. Don’t touch it. It’s getting replaced anyway. Just add the things on top like we asked you to, and call it a day.

Me: Are you sure? This is seriously going to be a problem.

Management: We just said it’s getting replaced. Don’t. touch. anything. OK?

Me: alright.

… Eight weeks later …

Management: so this thing caught fire over the weekend, and the fire spread to other areas. We’re doing some emergency cleanup. The new guy looked at it and figured out why, and has some great ideas on fixing it, so give him some well-deserved praise!

Me: Hey! I told you about this months ago!

Management: Yes. I tuned out during today’s firefighting meetings. But it’s important to strike a balance in everyone’s style. Do you have any other concerns?

  • 3
    Quit your job.
  • 1
    Some people have a problem w/ listening to reason.

    ...also seem to be lacking some common sense.
  • 4
    ... do we work for the same company? It surely seems so.

    Management has a "Panic-Driven-Development" approach to... anything, really.
  • 3
    @JsonBoa They’re a bunch of ducks.
  • 1
    Dont listen to her duckie you're nothing like a manager.
  • 1
    I DO hope there was some written comms and you can screenshot-reply with CC wider audience stroking their incopetence in front of their mgmt :) perhaps even C level, hinting this is the n-th time they have severe issues that have been warned about way in advance by tech personnel and ignored by direct mgmt.

    Ooohh that would feel gooood :)))

    you don't have to be submissive. You can bite too
  • 2
    @netikras I’m beginning to suspect the “security culture” of “don’t write it down; have a conversation instead” is less about shielding trade secrets and helping prevent security breaches, and more to do with shielding management from their own actions.

    I can’t get my boss (or his boss, or other managers) to tell me much of anything via slack no matter my efforts to avoid video calls, and absolutely nothing via email. No, zoom (or flat out ignoring me) is their response to everything.

    I do have records of me telling them about the issues, though. Just no responses from them other than zoom links. Whatever.

    I’m still applying to everything and will leave as soon as I have somewhere better to go.
  • 0
    @Root is higher/top mgmt equally malignant?
  • 1
    @netikras I don’t interact with them often enough to know, save for my boss’s boss. But I suspect.

    At least one of them (CTO) seems decent; maybe just a naïve old guy who enjoys being an architect and is oblivious to the politics, but is a member of their circle anyway.
  • 0
    This kind of thing happens everywhere and it's just the person on top seeing things in front of him and not contemplating the seriousness when we say. Only when it breaks in front of their face they tend to look at it and the first person who gives the same solution you told gets praises. This from experience and I think we should develop this thought process or else we will be left behind. Adopt business to technical mindset not technical to business mindset
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