
Current Company: Our coding standards is according to the dumbest assumed programmer! Therefore everything shall stay the same as there will be chaos if a convetion changes.

  • 8
    Reminds me of my previous company:
    "We don‘t allow to use the latest language features because not all of the devs are familiar with them"
  • 1
    @Lensflare What that really means is the people reviewing the code and/or management aren't familiar with them.
  • 1
    @cuddlyogre no, this was a decision by the lead devs.
  • 5
    I use all sorts of stuff in my code that is not common. Is this job security?

    One of my favorite tricks in JS is inserting arrays into other arrays using the ... operator. I use this for managing displays with 0 to n items added to an existing list. This is used in our QML code. I showed this to a previous manager and he got visibly agitated and asked me to comment how it is used. He doesn't work here anymore though.
  • 4
    @Demolishun I had a short lived co-worker get irritated because I used a ternary operator.

    I don't get it. If it compiles and it works and I don't understand it, I look up why it works. I don't just throw my hands up and whine until the question goes away.
  • 2
    I see something similar in my current company.

    At least w/ the leadership.

    Personally I don't get it.

    If it's needed / beneficial for the job && you don't understand it, don't ask for it to be dumbed down.

    _Educate_ yourself!
  • 0
    I'm guessing 'grug' is a reference to this one:


    Went over my head, but I had no problem looking it up.

    Sadly, people tent do be too lazy.
  • 2
  • 1
    @Lensflare Thanks.

    Saw that one, too...

    1st fucking result on google...

    Not sure how I failed to click on it, though.
  • 1
    @Demolishun *laughs in HCL*
  • 0
    @Tounai I tried looking up HCL, but don't know what you mean by it. What does it stand for?
  • 1
    @Demolishun terraform language. A pure nightmare ending up with complicated to understand code.
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