
Had a heart attack when I found out what I was holding and all wasps (or bees?) came out crawling slow and sleepii. Thank God I was wearing gloves. It's ventilation hole of my bathroom. So, that's where the fuckers stay in the winter. There must be a big fat queen in there. Covered the whole nest with shaving foam and hope they'll die. Scary fuckers.

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    Those things are my biggest nightmare.
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    my boyfriend says shaving cream will not work and those wasps (I recognize them as wasps) will chew another hole in through

    anyway apparently he watches some dude called the wasp king and he is now complimenting wasps on their jaws... spartaaa!

    as for me, I'm watching the 12th fly starve to death on my kitchen table. cuz I refuse to murder them so I attrition them to death
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    @jestdotty they're very sleepii and they chocked in the foam. I was cleaning the ventilation holes wearing gloves. I actually wanted to remove the panel (did that) and put a toilet roll in it (did eventually) for isolation. But at the beginning, i couldn't get the toilet roll in, there was smth in front of it. So I grabbed with my hand straight in it and just picked it out. Holding it very strongly :P Fuuuck :P

    How do you have flies in this weather?
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    Yep, those are definitely wasps.

    Shaving foam won't do a thing. You need either polypropylene foam (the same that is used as insulation), because it expands fast to fill every nook and cranny, hardens, and will block oxygen, making them all suffocate.

    Another alternative is to cover the nest with some recipient (like a microwave lid) with some gasoline in it. The gasoline evaporating will daze them and make them either flee (and since wasps never nest twice in the same spot, you're set), or come out and fall into the gasoline and drown. The con is you'll get some gasoline smell in the house, tho not sure that's a con XD
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    @CoreFusionX yeah, but I had to think fast of course and they were very sleepii. They couldn't fly yet. They were walking and crawling. The shave foam worked well. So that thing was under the foam on the toilet lit. I got a bucket, put it in front of the toilet and shove that whole thing in the bucket with water and threw it outside. I was quite happy with my quick foam reaction. That moment you stand that with a hive in your hands, just woke them up, the sense that you're fucked is really going trough you :P
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    Not saying you did wrong, many people would have panicked.

    Just telling you the better methods for dealing with them :).

    I've been a security guard for 11 years in rural settings. I've dealt with wasps more times than I've had to with robbers XD.
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    I can only imagine the WTF moment you had when you found them.

    Big fuckers.

    Wouldn't want them anywhere near me.
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    The problem is not the wasp you killed inside, it’s the ones which are out and which will start another nest. Tbh in 90% of the case it’s not an issue. Country side people burn them dangerously, I saw my grand father doing it all the time and he never got any issues.
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    Do not burn it if you are not a countryside grandpa. I am not liable to anything happening to your place if you try.
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    @Tounai yeah, some people suggested to put the foam on fire and stuff and I decided not to. What if it burns like gasoline or so? Everything will burn. No suffication was enough for the waspii's.
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    Waste of shaving cream, I'm afraid. Hairspray and a lighter would be my go to, if I really wanted to fight them, but that's me — I'm ready to die defending my man cave.

    For you, I'd recommend putting on a hazmat suit, smoking them out, then packing the whole thing in a plastic bag and throwing out the window towards the most hated neighbour. Either that or call 911.

    Glad you managed to bucket them out. Quick thinking. Lucky, though — might have ended up badly.
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    @cprn yh, but they were really show, I once saw people moving a compleet bee hive after spraying it under liquid ice or so. They get slow from low temp pretty quick. But that was why I was freaking isolating it, I was freezing my tits off in that room. So, I solved their problem, but sadly I killed them as well.
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    I just found a dead yellow jacket wasp watering my plants earlier today

    yeah I don't know why there would be one yellow jacket living in some random pots that starved to death in my living room

    *bitches about a singular wasp, when you've got a hive*

    it's just so mysterious why the hell they keep showing up

    I'm afraid to be stung. my mom was allergic to half the 200+ things you could be allergic to, and I have some of her allergies so aaaaa. hope I'm not allergic to stings
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    Wasps are the most annoying insects in the world, they don’t leave you alone until they checked what they wanted to check. They deserve to die and are doing everything to get killed.
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