
everybody has poop inside them at all times.

  • 3
    Would be bad news for the anal community.
  • 1
    inb4 you find out what poop really is
  • 2
    Also apparently more bacteria than human cells.
  • 1
    @b2plane join the convo. Kiki has summoned you.
  • 3
    Colonoscopy patients beg to differ
  • 1
    actually some people do fasting and uhhh... well apparently your poop gets gross when you don't eat food for a while. and then you no longer have poop anymore!

    think it takes like 3 days. optimal fasting is 3-5 days long

    but there's people who do stupid stuff like 180+ days...
  • 5
    I had food poisoning the other day and the sheer amount of puke I summoned to redecorate my bathroom made me think something similar, we're all ambulatory septic tanks, full of disgusting bio-waste, just waiting to explode.
  • 0
    I’m a robot
  • 0
    The grandest revelation yet!
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