When you love Mac, you're a fanboy.
When you love Linux, you're cool?

  • 30
    When you say you love windows, it’s a cry for help
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    Linux lovers are fanboys too.
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    @practiseSafeHex when you love windows you are delusional
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    For certain values of "cool"
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    Nobody actually likes Mac. They're an irrational decision based on billions of Apple's marketing dollars.
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    @intromatt a unix-like system with great UI and amazing softwares. What's not to like? And I am talking about macOS. Not their expensive hardware.
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    @jAsE and a gamer...
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    To be honest macOs is not bad. Just the prices of apple products are ridiculous.
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    The outdated hardware doesn't bother me too much (I have a MacBook), it's the mid '90s operating system experience that sucks. I doubt MacOS will be around 15 months from now, I consider it abandonware at this point. I would place a big bet Apple is going all ARM and is about to finally sweep this turkey of an OS under the rug because they've been dragging this turd around far too long and the writing is on the wall. Emperor and clothes analogy.... @tahnik
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    When you love Windows you get shit done.
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    When will the kids understand this? @fullyerectcolon
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    @intromatt they are too busy recompiling the kernel in Linux just to read a text file.
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    You can always install Wine then run WordPad. @fullyerectcolon
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    @intromatt hahaha! I had a project once that was to integrate into Windows Credential provider, being the person with the most Windows experience and my boss being a hater, they got some douche bag in who wanted to setup some complex Linux system to compile it in Linux just because he didn't want to use Windows as it was "dead in the water". Took him more than 6 months to get anything compiled. Needless to say, I left.
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    @fullyerectcolon @intromatt I love Windows from my heart. But the US gov is not making things easy.
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    @fullyerectcolon Read about PRISM. If you share a lot of data with any of the big company, chances are your data is mined by gov. While someone is not sitting there reading your emails, keywords are sent to gov to analyse your behaviour. If you ask me, that's quite invasive.
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    @tahnik oh yes, but that isn't just Windows, that's like anything with a computer in. Linux isn't immune to attack, I know the fan boys like to think it is.
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    @brano88 but I've tried getting into Linux many times and it's just been a massive pain in the arse, even with real experts on hand to help out.
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    You're always fine boy no matter what
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    @fullyerectcolon When you love Windows, you get shit done. This is true :)
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  • 4
    When you're a fanboy, you're a fanboy.

    Nothing wrong with liking different OS's for specific reasons. :)
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    Indeed... Same as when you carry a bag which has the text "I ♥️ UK" you are cool but if the text said "I ♥️ North Korea" you are somehow labeled as a totalitarian prick. People are just quirky I guess...
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    When you know how and when to use each OS, acknowledge their pro's and con's, you're cool.

    Otherwise, you're just a fan boy with delusional issues.
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    @fullyerectcolon @tahnik That's a very valid statement and one of the main reasons I refuse to use mac/windows.

    Just the fact that everything from a company of which you use the OS (MS/Windows for example) is sucked up into a big dragnet surveillance is a no go for me.

    @fullyerectcolon of course you can spy in Linux users as well (MUSCULAR program for example) but it's not created by any company of which all services are integrated in mass surveillance/auto exploitation networks. (read into the turbine program as well)
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    @fullyerectcolon And its true, Linux is not immune to attacks at all.
    But it's open sourceness makes that its very possible to take a look at its source code for seeing if it has any hidden backdoors etc. Also hardening it's security is way easier because of its openness.
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    Indeed, unix-like, not Linux compatible. OSX has no sensible package manager or build tools. Brew can go fuck itself. And the out of the box tools... check for fun which version the zip and unzip tools are... Yeah basically still from the era when unix was a thing.

    Amazing UI? The dock screws up screen real estate, animations look like they were made for kids and slow down workflows, and honestly it looks fucking outdated with its scratched aluminum/plastic shit.

    It's incredibly hard to customize, can't program keybinds or tiled windows, except through ugly hacks.

    Awesome apps? You mean interfaces which are so childlike they lose function, so simplified that you need extra clicks to reach what you need? And every fucking app costs $20 (or worse: $5 per month)

    I'm not even going to start about the fact that it's closed source, and Apple sucks at updates.

    So, THAT is what's not to like.

    If YOU like it, no problem, I'll never force a penguin down your throat...
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    MacOS is dead. I've been saying this for a about a year... It's essentially abandonware at this point. @bittersweet
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    I'm almost embarrassed to say this but I would actually prefer to use Ubuntu or Mint over MacOS today....I never thought I would say this. And running Linux as a desktop OS is ass-up-backwards AF. @bittersweet
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    @intromatt What's wrong with Linux as a desktop OS?
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    Hahahahahahahah... Ohh I'm not biting this one.

    Hahaha.. Nice try, pal. @bittersweet
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    @intromatt i used Ubuntu for a year on daily basis and never got any trouble with it. It just runs fine. I'm mostly doing programming, using things like docker, several databases, jvm, node, build tools and other stuff. Never got a single os-related error.

    switched to elementary os because it's way more beautiful. I even tried gaming on elementary with steam. Never got any trouble as well
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