
so weird not to have my code crash...

before I'd check it every few hours and reboot if it has crashed

but now I check and it's just churning along

the bug was easy to fix once my brain cleared some

  • 4
    Ragnar has a memory issue so I let systemd reboot it every five minutes hihi. Didn't want to figure out. Yes - I have a memory issue in Python. I do not even have weird code afaik.
  • 1
    @retoor might want to check the leakage, before you get water damage.
  • 1
    @Chewbanacas tbh, I have a window here with water in it. Have to get it fixed before winter comes. I have seen the land lords only once in my life. All that good maintenance but they never check how their investment is doing. They own half the village anyway.
  • 1
    @jestdotty call them again and pretend that you can't fix it yourself and you're SINGLE. At least one shows up.
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