The fun I'm having is currently overwhelming.

  • 0
    Try with pure arch now!
  • 12
    install windows first, then ubuntu and use the installer, how is that complicated?
  • 1
    Agreed ^
  • 2
    Actually, I've done it so many times... May be confusing at first, but easy at 5+ time. The worst scenario for me was that I've screwed up booting of both Linux and windows. Just put windows usb to recover boot and then linux usb to install grub :)
  • 0
    did it many times ... where is the problem?
  • 0
    I keep nearly everything on some sort of hosting, ESPECIALLY my code. If a hard drive fails or I lose widows for any reason it really doesn't mean anything besides the time it takes to set it all back up
  • 0
    Try arch Linux
  • 0
    If you have windows installed, its really easy to dual boot with ubunth but if you have ubuntu and want to install windows its quite the pain...
  • 0
    If you install grub after Windows, it should find it and at it to the boot menu. If you install Windows after grub, you might need some tool. I am using VeraCrypt as it encrypts the partition and includes a nice boot manager that auto detects bootable partitions (boot flag) when you press escape at the password prompt.
  • 0
    contrary to popular belief, i had an easier time sticking windows on a seperate partitopn AFTER ubuntu was installed
  • 0
    Uuuh, Ubuntu does fix that automatically
  • 0
    The fun here is when you install Ubuntu first. Doesn't matter, reinstalled everything
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