I am against the idea of outsourcing dev jobs.
Every software company should hire in-house devs, that live in the same country/region the company is in.

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    You're assuming the purpose of the company is to develop software.

    If the purpose of the company is for managers to collect impressive bullet points for their CVs, then outsourcing can be really effective.
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    no one cares about ur opinion. i will bill heavily others by outsourcing. fuck off
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    Outsourcing never works out, so it's a great option for projects that don't matter but don't die
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    boss belongs to the gulag
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    I'm in favour of outsourcing because going to an office when I code software on a laptop just seems dumb.

    that's the actual battle in the business class' head. remote work or chain you to a physical office

    they can't tell quality of work. though an Indian disliking outsourcing is pretty funny
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    @donkulator the purpose of the company is to feed the man children that are middle management their sadistic power hungry souls with your hopefully not yet consumed soul, repeat
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    ... an Indian who himself discriminates and doesn't take Indian jobs no less lol
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    @jestdotty you can have internal remote workers.

    Outsourcing != Remote
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    @lungdart I'm aware but in business's mind remote = excuse for outsourcing because they don't see the quality of workers. they just see because they've been convinced on remote they can hire someone cheaper overseas
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    As much as I agree, foreign salaries are probably the second largest lifting force acting on the Hungarian job market after starvation, so I can't help but promote globalism even at the cost of production quality.
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    The same is true for many parts of India according to my friends there, and at one point it was true for Nigeria. The drains on undeveloped economies that are transnationals exist either way, and outsourcing carries the potential for a funnel in the other direction providing that remote workers spend their money at local chains.
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    yeah I don't mind the competition even being in a rich country. granted I am weird

    what does bother me is if their skills are not better. like I don't wanna have to slog through this crap

    it's sort of like tragedy of the commons. you hand them great code and they shit all over it, but they do it slowly so business is none the wiser. then they hand you bullshit code and you're slower than they are because you are trying to salvage the thing while you're working on it, and suddenly you look like the idiot when their cows ate all the grass so no wonder your cows are starving
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    Patriotic inbreeder.
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    Main reason we outsourced was because literally no devs left.
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