
Lady next door was visiting me. She is 67. She is a kinda psychologist and she needed a new site. With her just sitting here, i generated one with gpt and explained her html a bit. The instructions are as follow:
- if you add a page, duplicate the other page and remove the text you don't want. Do not remove html unless it's around content what you don't use anymore.
- learned her how to copy a href and change the link.

So, first, she asked me for a website. The last thing I want is somebody's website in maintenance or even work on it. Making "beautiful"/commercial sites is not my hobby.

Now, for 1,80 per month she has a domain name (i asked if it will have SSL, that's still bit unclear) and 1,- hosting per month. I think it can be even cheaper. It doesn't support php/python and stuff.

TLDR; i gave someone a HTML site generated in 5 minutes, tried a few style sheets and she was happy with it. Bye bye designers :P No one cares! Also full responsive.

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    Well, Dr. Ruth is dead so it can't be her.
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    @Demolishun in 2018 she already looked if she died five years ago.

    Moral of the story is, put some trust in people instead of thinking they're too retarted. I told her that my way is consistent, you can use / switch any hosting company, perfect performance. After a minimal html course she doesn't need me anymore. Stupid wordpress with updates and stuff. HTML is way better. molodetz.nl is completely written in html / markdown.
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    @retoor careful how you talk about my good sex grandma! ;-)

    Used to listen to her radio show in the 90s.
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    if i explain how to duplicate a html page to a person their eyes glaze over

    also, I cite that YouTube video about that Canadian guy running around trying to sell websites to businesses and nobody biting. DO YOU SEE HOW DIFFERENT OUR COUNTRIES ARE
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    @Demolishun you have a sex grandma? What?!
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    @Demolishun I was worried there for a bit. 😂
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    Whats the matter? You can't stand the sight of an old lewd woman?

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    @Demolishun yeah, you got me 😅
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    This post makes me happy :)

    "for 1,80 per month she has a domain name (i asked if it will have SSL, that's still bit unclear)"

    These days a setup without SSL is almost worthless as common browsers will flag any HTTP site as unsafe so it'll probably not get any visitors.

    Sadly - many interfaces are very complex regarding how to configure it.
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    @jiraTicket I have a hosting account that is about $12 a month and configuring SSL really isn't that hard. But I say this as a programmer and not a non-tech user. Easy for me perhaps.
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    @kiki Spasibo && Djakuju!
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    @Demolishun rich bitch. A droplet at digital ocean is just 6 euro. 4 euro even for 512Mb ram and 10gb disk.
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    @retoor look at what 3 eur buys you on Hetzner.
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    @kiki you're dem second one that recommended it to me today. I see very interesting prices for me. But for my next door neighbor i want Dutch support with patience. And if it's her not worth 2 euro per month, she can totally fuck herself for bothering me :)

    Na, she left my house very happy. She already expected to lose 1.000,- on it or so.
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