
Just wrote an email to Rocket Chat with subject "Dear commercial hungry bastards" and complimented them with raping the f out of one of the best chat applications there is. With decent apps and stuff. For people who don't know, Rocket Chat is a Slack-variant. Once almost the same. But it was completely self hosted and under YOUR control. Now, if you host it locally, you get a screwed up design that you can unlock by paying.. If two users register on y our rocket chat instance, you get a commercial message of them regarding the growing team. Also, i have by default some remote user of them named rocketcat in my chat. Wtf, who wants that ffs? And again! SELF HOSTED SERVICE. Imagine, they have servers under their control and don't even have to do the hosting. A big win-win for them I guess.

Idiots found themselves a marketing team apparently.

  • 6
    This is what you get for not using your own self hosted self written (in C) IRC chat.
  • 1
    Did they IPO? Because someone promoted marketing/sales to a high position tale as old as shitty tech companies
  • 2
    That probably explains why the link's been down for me for a few days, now.

    Also, I wish I could be as honest in my communication w/ co-workers.

    Got reprimanded for doing just that a number of times.

    Apparently, honesty is unwanted.

    They want 'Yes'-men.

  • 2
    @D-4got10-01 Whenever my junior used to ask "what should I do?" while we're on a call, I'd answer with "meth" (followed by trying to figure out why he's stuck) - his wife didn't appreciate it
  • 2
    @BordedDev Perfectly reasonable thing to do.

    After all, you need to be awake for stuff.


    ...The wifey might've been thinking it was a genuine advice.

    Either that or she's one of those people who think that there are things you can joke about && there are those that you shouldn't.
  • 2
    @D-4got10-01 If I told you she got upset that he didn't immediately get food at a work event so they could get seconds at the end, would that give you enough info? (I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt that she didn't know that those events are tightly catered for)
  • 1
    @BordedDev Having read the 1st sentence, a picture is being formed in my mind...

    ...an unflattering one.
  • 2
    @Tounai jokes on you, molodetz does have a in C written chat server.
  • 3
    @D-4got10-01 yes, that's the reason, i did not do an IP ban or something :P I refuse to use nazi tech.
  • 3
    @BordedDev meth would help great for programming, amphetamine already does miracles.
  • 3
    I am on molodetz.nl in room #molodetz btw. I have made python asyncio protocol class AI bots
  • 1
    @retoor The AI chat isn't working for me
  • 1
    @BordedDev what browser do yo use? On phone (android) works fine with speech and all and quick but it can repeat itself. often.
  • 2
    To give an idea about how commercial they became:

    Hello Retoor,

    This is an automated message.

    We could not find a support contract for your organization, which probably means you are using a Community Workspace or you are subscribed to the Starter Plan, for which we do not offer dedicated support.

    If you believe this is a mistake, please ensure you are using your company email address, or have your team's designated Authorized User submit the ticket instead. If neither helps, please reach out to your CSM.
  • 1
    @BordedDev it can even change his own design.
  • 1
    @BordedDev ah, do you just see empty screen? Tap one time and hell show. Because of security of chrome use has to start an interaction.
  • 1
    @retoor No luck on the phone either, it's clearing the text and telling me "please enter a message before sending". I used multiple on my PC (both logged out and logged in), edge, firefox, opera
  • 1
    @BordedDev it works great here, but it talks to itself. Even sound effects from clippy works. Maybe you have to search deep for microphone settings... There's a reason not many people use this tech. Several.
  • 2
    @BordedDev oh, you're talking about the molodetz site? That ons is broken indeed. I thought you were taking about retoorded.molodetz.nl. For now, enough AI. AI is very exhausting to work on. It's not the happy typing it normally is. It's a lot of trying and testing. I gonna sleepii. Enough for today. Dobranich
  • 1
    @retoor I only saw your Clippy reply now, I meant to one on the home page

    > I am on molodetz.nl in room #molodetz btw

    ^ I assumed you meant the home page one since both rock and snek aren't working

    It happened again! Messaging at the same time 🤣
  • 2
    @retoor Gotta love the good ol'

    no munny from you == no support 4U.

    So basically when you just want to try out the software, perhaps see some potential in it, but there is an issue, you can't say

    'Fix it && I will purchase the license.'

    because as a /* currently */ non-paying user you are ineligible for any support.

    ...or so is my understanding.
  • 1
    @BordedDev I just left the room seconds ago / back tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll make serious meters with the snek. The online snek is still version of two days ago. I gonna focus on snek more bevause talking with real people is better than AI. Snek will make more people happy. I'm happy that it looks good already
  • 2
    @D-4got10-01 yh, but who's gonna buy software from a company adding commercial stuff and appearantly can see whatever you do on your locally hosted software. I'm practically hosting a spam bot now.
  • 2
    @retoor Nah - you're right.

    I wouldn't trust them w/ my data, especially when self-hosting.
  • 1
    @retoor Did it also use an excessive about of RAM? You know, to complete the whole enshitification or are they still working on it?
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    @D-4got10-01 It's funny how companies go from, tell us what you want so we can build it to "we know what you actually want"
  • 1
    @BordedDev I'll check, but that machine has 16gb. Should be really enough, it's a new laptop only used for hosting purposes. My server has a 4k unused screen 😂 Got that laptop, it was unconformable, smashing on my X270's again like there's no tomorrow. The only reason that I want to replace X270's is just because of the age itself, there's nothing wrong with the machines, still blazing fast but just don't like the idea of working on such old stuff. But I program C as well so that's that I guess. It matches somehow.

    It can't be slow because of network, I'm streaming YouTube myself on that connection and internet on it works just fine. It should be impossible to notice rocket chat network speed wise.

    I hosted for long streaming llm's on that server - live streams - with no issue. From my house -> vps -> ssh upstream over 4g home hotspot. Believe it or not, but you normally don't even notice that it's a home network regarding just api / sockets msgs unless file transfer.
  • 1
    @BordedDev if home network quality is the issue, rocket chat would be very inefficient because my IRC bots can go full maniac on it. If they didn't had to wait for the AI to respond they would ddos the whole system since they react on every incoming message. If irc can do that, why slack not.

    Maybe I found solution - I limit the resources of docker container by giving a limited amount of bandwidth so it can't use all so it won't fuck up my youtube and such whole still being able to transfer messages.

    But no I gonna make snek. Rocket chat people pissed me off with commercial shit on my local hosted system and rocket chat can crash. They even designed a beautiful crash screen. It's that common. Pathetic.
  • 1
    @retoor I just remember having to "reconnect" after sending an image/video. Then again maybe I was hammering your connection a bit too hard since I have a 1Gbs line. Looking forward to Snek
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