I hate that I can't enjoy anything

it's like I'm cursed

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    sorry sweetie <3 you deserve to feel happiness like most people do.
  • 3
    You need some goal to do and achieving that will give some dopemine. Try to celebrate all little progress. Celebrate every monent that you didn't waste time and did smth to help yourself, ergo, educative. I pick out software that I want to reinvent with some slight changes. While most times not better than original, you still end up with a shitload of knowledge and dopemine. It always keeps me busy :) I love every moment of dem day.
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    @retoor yeah that doesn't work because I would habitually force myself in the past because I had to. I don't get dopamine out of this I just get pettiness, and it's a really bad habit that I need to break. easy for me to go back in it and then I'm a zombie
  • 1
    Can't enjoy OP because of neuro chemicals working against you or defense mechanisms protecting you from pain/disappointment?

    How about a nice long wee or roll around the bed or a walk or fap?
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