
When you have to made a little game with javascript, and because it's your first game you made a beautiful maze with lot of wall.

Ahahah... i'm shit.
I forgot wall have collision.

I'm here now, with 40 different fuckin' walls and much if and else if conditions.

I hate me.

Yeah i know, I can just change my maze but no... I'm lazy. Cry against the collisions is better.

Have good day.

  • 2
    You could check the pixel values or map the maze walls to an array
  • 1
    I think you should really think about how you check for collision 😂 you dont need to write the check for every wall that you have..
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    @sharktits I have to use collision function create by my prof it's in the rules of homework and yes i use map to made it easier. But Thx, I just have to think about all differents case, like when i'm between this two wall i just can go forward or backward but not on side....
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    @simulate yeah I know but i think the probleme is the collision function of my prof, because it dont care of it's collision just on one side or all of my character. So I have to write condition when i dont care of this or this collision and when I can move enven if there is a collision...
  • 3
    I dont think you need that many if statememts.. Just check whether the tile your player wants to move to is a wall, and if so, there is going to be a collision eg. the move is not allowed.

    To check this you just enumerate all the types of tiles (path=0, wall=1, pit=2, ...) and store these type ids for each tile in an array so that you can access it with xy coordinates.
    I dunno, it sounds like you are making it way to complicated 😉
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    @simulate Yeah good idea, I will see with my prof if it's cheat or not, because i dont use "real collision" but a kind of movement limitation, Thanx. 😉
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    What kind of game are you making?
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    @simulate A little reflexion game. In the maze you have differents doors, each door go to an other door. So you have to find wich doors take to find the exit.
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