Same phone, same pocket. If 5G is enabled it causes me pain in my leg. If I have it set to 4G it doesn't. I bought this phone because I wanted 5G speeds and my old phone was doing stupid shit. Now I have a newer phone I can only run in 4G.

I hate technology. I hate big tech companies. They can all eat shit. I think they do this on purpose.

No, I don't need your alternative theories or fucking gaslighting. Its not some bullshit cumulative trauma. I have been running it in my pocket for 2 months with zero pain. Fuck off. I am done placating people who know better than me. You fucking don't.

Woke up at 3am this morning and couldn't sleep. I am feeling very testy today. Not sure if I am going to need to puke later. My stomach is doing the "I might be sick" thing when flu is coming on. I hate that shit.

Oh, and Android keeps popping up random shit for features I don't use. I don't use Digital Assistant. I have that as turned off as I can. But today it popped up asking me if I want to use Gemini. No, I fucking don't you incompetent assholes. The only advice I can find is enable and then disable Gemini. But that causes you to agree to some bullshit AI terms. Just leave me the fuck alone assholes!

  • 7
    Your leg can't handle all that data. It's a leg after all.
  • 2
    @electrineer haha, that is actually really funny. Thank you!
  • 2
    @electrineer that would be a wild way to find out a person is an android/synthetic.
  • 3
    How you think about big tech is how I think about government often. I'm just sitting here, peaceful, wtf do you want from me. Leave me alone indeed.

    In case of just buying a phone, we bought your phone, but we don't want contact with your company. But now you got a life time free subscription to their notifs.
  • 3
    @retoor big companies are so in bed with government they are practically acting in unison. This is what I voted to break up. Right now the new admin is going scorched earth on this shit. It is fucking glorious.

    The health issues that are ignored or even caused by big companies will be addressed. It just can't happen fast enough.

    Leave me alone indeed. Sing it sister!
  • 4
    @Demolishun Trump is going hard indeed. But news keeps being a bastard. My stepmom heard "he cancelled humanitarian help" in the news. Reality (trumps own words) "there is crazy stuff going on like a huge investment regarding condoms for x country, don't think so". Same what he said about Canada just being another state, Canada admitted not being able to survive without Murica (Trudeau to trump iirc) and Canada receives some injections or smth while having free Healthcare and no army. Everyone knows their Canada has the better deal at the moment. Trump is probably right about this as well. My stepmom was really negative about him but I'm like - let's wait - nobody knows what all his actions would lead to. With America first in mind - he's doing maybe a great job and doing what voters asked. Whatever you think about nationalism, the leader of a country should be a nationalist. Other option would be a traitor like Biden.
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    Before I opened this rant I assumed it was @jestdotty. I still think it might be.
  • 5
    I don't disagree with you. There hasn't been any real safety testing on a lot of the tech we've seen come into the market. There have been people with brain tumors right where their cellphone rests.

    I think a subset of the population may get real damage from non-ionizing radiation. People dismiss cellphone cancer like it's crazy. It could be real, and just affect 1~2%. Rather than doing actual testing and studies, it's easier to hand wave it.
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    I think the remediation shit at the bottom sounds bogus. But it at least points to info.

    I think a better place to look is in journals. Probably on CDC or something. Also researchgate.
  • 1
    Sorry for the angry tone. Tired. I feel like some of the best rants in the past were the angriest though. I think the fucks/minute really sold some rants.
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    do you wanna buy a 400$ emf pendant and test it with the 5g to see if it blocks the effect or not? =]

    I did buy it at some point and it made me sleep great for a couple weeks and reduced anxiety. not sure if placebo effect. I haven't left the thing anywhere away from me to test if I'll get anxious without it either

    I also did get sick around the time they installed 5g on my street... don't think that's what caused me to get sick but it could've contributed to it as a general by putting more stress on my body until I went over some critical point of inflammation and it cascaded into other bodily systems
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    @jestdotty I have zero clue long term affect of all this. If the government knows they are not sharing. I suspect here are active lobbyists suppressing anything negative about it.
  • 3
    @electrineer I think it's just missing a the latest LegOS firmware to support 5G
  • 2
    @MammaNeedHummus There used to be LegOS firmware for the first Lego Brick. But leg decided to kill it because assholes. They also scared all the devs from using the header file from their dev kit as if it contained significant code. They ruined the home brew lego brick robotics stuff emerging. Then they made that new garbage which is absolute shit. I kinda get the LegOS part as it was a trademark. But don't make all the USB serial programmers not work because you are a buncha assholes.
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    I remember reading about something similar but don't remember if it was you.

    On two accounts.

    First, about the leg pain. While I don't consider two months as evidence given the extreme amount of uncontrolled variables, it's worthy of consideration.

    Also, discussion about quantum resonance mechanics, and wondering if you could be suffering from such a case, but it should be some accumulation of something that isn't usual, since no one else experiences it, but it's not impossible.
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