I don't know why @dfox , @trogus didn't want a username with underscore and I'm sure they must be having some valid reason for it. But how in fuck did this user have the guts to rate the app 1 star simply because it doesn't have a login with fb feature? I mean you can request for a feature but it's dumb of you to rate 1 star because it doesn't have a feature you want. This is true for any app not only devRant.

Source : One of the user reviews of devRant on the play store.

  • 47
    World is filled with idiots
  • 96
    I actually preffer native registration wherever possible
  • 50
    whiney bitch does not deserve an underscore with that attitude
  • 10
    @myss Lol same, especially with all the Cambridge Analytica stuff finally coming to light who would knowingly and willingly sign up to that. Herp
  • 22
    "I want Facebook login"
  • 19
    We don’t need underscores just really long usernames.
  • 27
    I demand devRant share its data with Facebook and Google, I want my search results and suggestions to be filtered based on my rants!

  • 12
  • 20
    I hope after rating Devrant with 1 star because he cannot have an underscore or FB login, he is really not using this app.
    Wouldn't want to have people like this around here.
  • 0
  • 2
    I would like to add my rant to this ranting about an ex-Ranter who ranted about devRant: his Play review is under the name "luliu Visovan", ironically without an underscore...or first name capitalization.
  • 0
    @pacohojaverde I wantedly cropped his name because I didn't want to point at anyone in particular. There are several people who do this.
  • 9
    Come on man, last year one of our app user gave 1 star because app is taking too long to install from playstore. :/ :/ :/
  • 6
    "...but if I can't login with Facebook, then how will Facebook track me here?"
  • 0
    @Condor Apocalypse predicted 😵😨
  • 3
    @bahua It shouldn't but Facebook has monitors every fucking app you use besides it also makes use of trackers in your browser. I guess login with Facebook is not there currently. There's a share option which is why you have the tracker.

    Sorry for not posting a screenshot.
  • 2
    Underscores in names are for putos
  • 1
    @silverstar Sure, I understand. Just wanted to point out something funny. His review was pretty harmless, but there are some that are quite negative. Not surprisingly, devRant is overwhelmingly 5-star but Hexical does respond directly to some of the more egregious posts.
  • 3
    Well fuck Facebook and fuck him!!

    Since we 're on this.. FUCK Zuckerberg too!
  • 2
    Underscores? Why? To get on his level?
  • 1
    Haters gonna hate hate hate
  • 1
    Best meta rant ever...
  • 3
    @Grexius alternative: whyunderscorewouldunderscoreyouunderscoreneedunderscoreunderscores
  • 1
    Fuck that douchebag in his hairy ass
  • 1
    We didn't want him anyway.
  • 1

    My comment was tongue-in-cheek.
  • 1
    Is he sure he wants Facebook login after this past week?🤦🏻‍♂️
  • 1
    @TheTylerJP If he still wants it then he's living in 2004. If he doesn't well well.
  • 2
    for the underscore thing i think they hate snake_case
  • 2
    People that use Facebook login shouldn't be here anyway.
  • 4
    @Condor Mhe, put a code snippet to debug instead of a captcha and we're safe 😋
  • 2
    @Commodore Thank you now all my captchas will work like that

    Let's implement Github issue integration! Solve an issue to get access!
  • 2
    @PrivateGER I like where this is going
  • 1
    @Commodore @PrivateGER @Condor Want to start a collaboration?
  • 0
  • 1
    @PrivateGER No. Give me 5 mins I'll update ya. (I'm a student...)
  • 1
  • 0
    @PrivateGER Do I give my email address? It's

  • 0
    @silverstar Simply click the link and you're in.
  • 1
    @Condor Can't you get it? It doesn't take longer than a minute and doesn't need any real registration.
  • 0
    @Condor Added you as collaborator BTW.
  • 0
    @Condor I already integrated our CI into Slack :/
    I mean, Slack really isn't as hungry as others platforms. You can just use the web version.
  • 1
    @Condor how do you even remember a 512 char password? Is it a sentence? I'm thinking it is.
  • 2
    Would it be okay for you if I join the slack and am not really active? I think this project is pretty cool and I would love to help but I have no experience with web design and am a bit busy at the time.
  • 2
    @lucaIO Sure. You may download the files and run then on your local system and suggest any improvements :)
    Edit : Hopefully you may get some experience in web development with this project.
  • 2
    @silverstar Great! Thank you
  • 2
    If people don't like apps they should just leave no rating. Putting up negative reviews on apps I like is just so mean. Why don't we go ahead and get rid of one, two and three star ratings if we're at it.
    Yeah... right
  • 0
    TBH, I've seen worse. The lack of facebook login and not being able to use underscore are both valid critisism. 1 star rating I won't agree with, but stuff on Google Play either sucks or doesn't
  • 0
    I even don't use Facebook 😂😂
  • 1
    @ViRaS the world is actually overflowing with it
  • 1
    Reviewers are dicks. We get a lot of one stars on our app because you can only login with Facebook (admittedly worse than not providing Facebook login but interesting it works both ways). One review said we installed a virus on their lock screen 🤦 some people are dumb
  • 1
    @Mathew-77 virus on lock screen?
    Was that a push notification?
  • 1
    @silverstar I had a good laugh at this, that's probably what it was 🤣
  • 0
    I guess we don’t need this kind of user too
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